If multiple licenses are attached to the Avi Load Balancer, and one of the licenses expire, the system immediately prevents the capacity from exceeding the total resources allotted by the remaining valid licenses.

When all applied licenses expire, the Avi Load Balancer returns to an unlicensed state. In the unlicensed state, the following changes become applicable:

  • There is no impact on existing virtual services.

  • You cannot create new SEs.

  • You can still create and edit virtual services and other load-balancing configurations.

  • The system defaults to the free, perpetual limits.

  • When a valid license is reapplied, the system will immediately be able to utilize the total resources allocated by the new license.

  • If you have an Enterprise with Cloud license tier and the license expires, an SE reboot will fail.

New licenses can be managed and downloaded from the Customer Portal. The interval for expiration notification is two months.