SE Group UUID is obtained by the GET /api/serviceenginegroup API.

The followings are the additional options for SE group upgrade:


This option disables a non-disruptive mechanism to facilitate a faster upgrade. If enabled, the SE(s) are upgraded in a disruptive manner. The default value is false.


This option suspends the upgrade of subsequent SE(s) within a SE-group when a failure is encountered in the SE upgrade path. The default value is false.

The followings are the different APIs for the SE group upgrade:

  • Use the following API to upgrade the SE group to the Controller image.

    API: /api/upgrade

    Method: POST

    JSON Data:

       'image_uuid': 'image-b8adc2bd-d27f-469d-b78d-5e2bc14a14e4',
       'se_group_uuids': [
  • Use the following with the additional SE Group options — Disruptive and Suspend_on_failure.

    API: /api/upgrade

    Method: POST

    JSON Data:

        'image_uuid': 'image-b8adc2bd-d27f-469d-b78d-5e2bc14a14e4',
        'se_group_uuids': [
        'suspend_on_failure': true
  • Use the following API to upgrade the SE group to the Controller image and the SE patch image.

    API: /api/upgrade

    Method: POST

    JSON Data:

          'image_uuid': 'image-b8adc2bd-d27f-469d-b78d-5e2bc14a14e4',
          'se_patch_uuid': 'image-e3aaad68-5aaf-485a-8bd9-1db3ec562d6a',
          'se_group_uuids': [

Additional Options for SE Group Upgrade

The following upgrade options are available for upgrading SE group:





This option is used to suspend the upgrade operations (Upgrade/Patch) on SE-Group if the SE(s) hit an issue and does NOT come up during the upgrade operations.

It is enabled by default.This option serializes the SE upgrades in the SE group upgrade. It increases the overall upgrade time for the entire SE group. Batch size is used to decrease the upgrade time. Even if the SEs do not have scaled-out virtual services, it still upgrades serially.


This option is used to continue the upgrade or patch upgrade operations on the SE group even if the SE(s) hit an issue and does not come up during the upgrade operations. Service disruption can be observed.

This option parallelizes the SE upgrade in the SE group upgrade if SEs do not have scaled-out virtual services. If SEs have scaled-out virtual services, then they continue with serial upgrades.


This option is used to disable the non-disruptive nature of SE upgrades. It is used to upgrade all the SE(s) in the group to the next version irrespective of the traffic disruption.

This option is disabled by default. All SE(s) will be upgraded in parallel, irrespective of scaled-out virtual service existence. Traffic/Service disruption will take place.