This section explains how to Configuring DNS Profile using CLI.

Uploading Python Script

A python script is uploaded to Avi Load Balancer to use a custom DNS profile. Use the following script to upload the desired custom DNS script to Avi Load Balancer Controller.

 Custom DNS script
 import socket
 import os
 import getpass
 import requests
 import inspect
 import urllib
 import json
 import time
 def CreateOrUpdateRecord(record_info, params):
     username = params.get('username')
     passkey = params.get('password') 
     ip = record_info.get('f_ip_address', '') or record_info.get('ip_address', '')
     cname = record_info.get('cname', '')
     fqdn = record_info.get('fqdn') 
     ttl = record_info.get('ttl', 900)
     record_type = record_info.get('type', 'DNS_RECORD_A')
     dns_record_id = 0
     metadata_j = record_info.get('metadata', None)
     if metadata_j:
         metadata = json.loads(metadata_j)
         # Check if default of 0 as DNS record id is useful
         dns_record_id = metadata.get('dns_record_id', 0)
     if not fqdn:
         print "Not valid FQDN found %s, returning"%record_info
     # REST API
     api = WebApiClient(username, passkey, domain)
     param_dict = {
 	    # DNS Record Information
 	    "dns_record_id"         : dns_record_id,
 	    "fqdn"		    : fqdn,
 	    "type"		    : "CNAME" if record_type == 'DNS_RECORD_CNAME' else "A",
 	    "ttl"                   : str(ttl),
 	    "content"		    : cname if record_type == 'DNS_RECORD_CNAME' else ip,
 	    "site"		    : "ALL"             
     # Send request to register the FQDN, failures can be raised and the VS creation will fail
     rsp = api.send_request("Update", param_dict)
     if not rsp:
         err_str = "ERROR:"
         err_str += "   STATUS: " + api.get_response_status()
         err_str += "   TYPE: " + str(api.get_error_type())
         err_str += "   MESSAGE: " + api.get_error_message()
         print err_str
         raise Exception("DNS record update failed with %s"%err_str)
 def DeleteRecord(record_info, params):
     username = params.get('username')
     passkey = params.get('password') 
     ip = record_info.get('f_ip_address', '') or record_info.get('ip_address', '')
     cname = record_info.get('cname', '')
     fqdn = record_info.get('fqdn') 
     ttl = record_info.get('ttl', 900)
     record_type = record_info.get('type', 'DNS_RECORD_A')
     dns_record_id = 0
     metadata_j = record_info.get('metadata', None)
     if metadata_j:
         metadata = json.loads(metadata_j)
         # Check if default of 0 as DNS record id is useful
         dns_record_id = metadata.get('dns_record_id', 0)
     api = WebApiClient(username, passkey, domain)
     param_dict = {
 	    # DNS Record Information
 	    "dns_record_id"         : int(dns_record_id),
 	    "delete_reason"         : "Reason for deleting record",
 	    "push_immediately"      : True,
 	    "update_serial"         : True,                
     rsp = api.send_request("Delete", param_dict)
     if not rsp:
         print "ERROR:"
         print "   STATUS: " + api.get_response_status()
         print "   TYPE: " + str(api.get_error_type())
         print "   MESSAGE: " + api.get_error_message()
     return ""

The following parameters can be used in the script:

  • username: <username>

  • password: <password>

  • API version: <version number>

Creating Custom DNS Profile using CLI

[admin-cntrl1]: > configure customipamdnsprofile custom-dns-profile

[admin-cntrl1]: customipamdnsprofile>
cancel          Exit the current submode without saving
do              Execute a show command
name            Name of the Custom IPAM DNS Profile.
new             (Editor Mode) Create new object in editor mode
no              Remove field
save            Save and exit the current submode
script_params   (submode)
script_uri      Script URI of form controller://ipamdnsscripts/<file-name>
show_schema     show object schema
tenant_ref      Help string not found for argument
watch           Watch a given show command
where           Display the in-progress object
[admin-cntrl1]: customipamdnsprofile>

In the above configuration snippet, the script is uploaded with the following attributes.

  • Name: custom-dns-profile

  • Username: dnsuser

  • Password: Password with the is_sensitive flag set to True

  • URI for the script: controller://ipamdnsscripts/

Use the following syntax for uploading your script. controller://ipamdnsscripts/<script name>

The following is the output of the show customipamdnsprofile custom-dns-profilecommand.

[admin:10-10-25-160]: > show customipamdnsprofile custom-dns-profile
+------------------+--------------------------------------------------- Field               | Value                                                                                                                           ----------------------------------------------------------------------+
| uuid       |customipamdnsprofile-c12faa8a-f0eb-4128-a976-98d30391b9f2            | name              |custom-dns-profile                                                                                                    |script_uri         | controller://ipamdnsscripts/                                      | script_params[1]  |                                                                                                                                         | name              | username                                                                                                                    | value             | dnsuser                                                                                                                         |is_sensitive       | False                                                                                                                              |is_dynamic         | False                                                                                                                              |script_params[2]   |                                                                                                                                         |name               | password                                                                                                                     |value              | <sensitive>                                                                                                                  |is_sensitive       | True                                                                                                                                |is_dynamic         | False                                                                                                                               |tenant_ref         | admin                                                                                                                             +------------------+--------------------------------------------------+