This section explains the SE bootup properties.

The SE bootup properties are available in serviceengineproperties -> se_bootup_properties CLI command.

The serviceengineproperties hierarchy is available at the Controller level, and the parameters are applicable to all SEs across all clouds at the time of bootup.

Unsupported Service Engine Bootup Properties

The following parameters available under se_bootup_properties are no longer supported.

  • ssl_sess_cache_timeout: The timeout can be configured using session_timeout in the SSL profile.

Migration to Service Engine Group Properties

The following parameters are moved to the SE Group level:

  • l7_conns_per_core

  • ssl_sess_cache_per_vs

  • l7_resvd_listen_conns_per_core

You can configure these parameters differently for each SE Group if required.

Migration of Compression Properties

The following parameters are moved to the Application Profile, under the compression_profile level:

  • buf_num

  • buf_size

  • level_normal

  • level_aggressive

  • window_size

  • hash_size

You can configure these parameters differently for each Application Profile.

For more information on compression profile, see Compression Profile.

Updates to Service Engine Runtime Properties

The SE runtime properties are available under the serviceengineproperties -> se_runtime_properties CLI command.

The serviceengineproperties hierarchy is available at the Controller level, and the parameters apply to all SEs across all clouds. You can modify these parameters while SEs are running and this applies to all SEs including those already running.

Unsupported Service Engine Runtime Properties

The following parameters available under se_runtime_properties are no longer supported:

  • upstream_connpool_strategy: The alternative is to use connection_multiplexing_enabled under Application Profile.

  • spdy_fw_proxy_parse_enable

The following caching related properties under se_runtime_properties are no longer supported:

  • mcache_enabled: Alternate: Application Profile -> cache_config -> enabled

  • mcache_store_in_min_size: Alternate: Application Profile -> cache_config -> min_object_size

  • mcache_store_in_max_size: Alternate: Application Profile -> cache_config -> max_object_size

  • mcache_store_se_max_size: Alternate: Service Engine Group -> app_cache_percent

  • mcache_fetch_enabled

  • mcache_store_in_enabled

  • mcache_store_out_enabled

Migration to Service Engine Group Properties

The following parameters are moved to the SE Group level:

  • upstream_connpool_enable

  • upstream_connect_timeout

  • upstream_send_timeout

  • upstream_read_timeout

  • downstream_send_timeout

  • lbaction_num_requests_to_dispatch

  • lbaction_rq_per_request_max_retries

  • user_defined_metric_age

  • enable_hsm_log

  • ngx_free_connection_stack

  • http_rum_console_log

  • http_rum_min_content_length

You can configure these parameters differently for each SE Group, if required.

Migration of Compression Properties

The following parameters are moved to the Application Profile, under the compression_profile level.

  • min_length

  • max_low_rtt

  • min_high_rtt

  • mobile_strs

You can configure these parameters differently for each Application Profile.

For more information on compression profile, see Compression Profile.

Migration of LDAP/ Basic Authentication Properties

The following parameters are moved to the Virtual Service, under ldap_vs_config:

  • se_auth_ldap_cache_size

  • se_auth_ldap_conns_per_server

  • se_auth_ldap_reconnect_timeout

  • se_auth_ldap_bind_timeout

  • se_auth_ldap_request_timeout

  • se_auth_ldap_servers_failover_only

You can configure these parameters differently for each virtual service.

For more information on LDAP/ Basic Authentication, see Basic Authentication section in the VMware Avi Load BalancerAdministration Guide.