Static routes allow administrators to determine the next hop path for routed traffic. Static routes may be defined for an IP subnet or a specific IP address, determined by the subnet mask defined.
A static route may also be set as the default gateway. Default gateways may also be defined within the settings of an SE, which will override the global static routes, and will be specific to the modified SE. If DHCP is not used and a default gateway needs to be defined, then it is recommended to define the gateway within the Static Routes tab, which will be applicable to all SEs. The maximum routes configured per VRF is 2000.
Enter the following information to create or edit a static route:
- Select .
- Select the Default Gateway checkbox if this route should be the default for SEs. A default gateway learned from DHCP will override this gateway and will be displayed in an individual SE.
- Enter Index - Each static route is given a unique identifier, which is used internally for referencing the route.
- Enter Prefix - Any egress traffic from Avi Load Balancer matching this IP subnet will be sent to the IP address of the next hop gateway. A Prefix set to Default Gateway means all traffic that does not match any other static route Prefix will be forwarded to the Next Hop for the default gateway.
- Enter Next Hop - The gateway address to use when routing traffic to the IP network specified by the Prefix.
- Click Save to finish adding or editing the static route.