The Avi Load Balancer Service Engines use timeout values for back-end servers before responding to the incoming requests.

The following are the timeout values:

  • upstream_connect_timeout – Idle wait timeout for the back-end servers on an Avi Load Balancer Service.

  • Engine.upstream_send_timeout – Timeout for the back-end connections to become writable.

  • upstream_read_timeout – Timeout for data to be received from the back-end server.

The default value for the above-mentioned timeout options is 3600000 ms (1 hour). Based on the requirement, these timeout values can be changed using configure serviceenginepropertiescommand through the Avi Load Balancer shell prompt as shown below.

 Login: admin
[admin-cntrl1]: > configure serviceengineproperties
[admin-cntrl1]: > seproperties> se_runtime_properties
[admin-cntrl1]: > seproperties:se_runtime_properties> upstream_connect_timeout <value> 
[admin-cntrl1]: > seproperties:se_runtime_properties> upstream_send_timeout <value>

Changing these timeout values affects all the virtual services on an Avi Load Balancer SE.