Avi Load Balancer supports Client/ Relying Party (RP)-initiated logout for OpenID. As the OAuth Client (RP), the Avi Load Balancer initiates a request, that directs the Identity Provider (IDP) to log out by redirecting the user agent to the logout endpoint of the IDP.


RP-initiated Logout is applicable only if OIDC is enabled.

RP-Initiated Logout Flow

Avi Load Balancer can act as the client-and-resource server. In this illustration, Avi Load Balancer is acting as the client.

The flow of the RP-initiated logout is explained below:

  1. The Resource Owner or User clicks the Logout button provided by the application and navigates to the logout URI, for instance, /oauth/logout, which is configured in Avi Load Balancer.


    The Logout button is provided by the application and not by Avi Load Balancer.

  2. Application or browser sends the logout request to the Avi Load Balancer.

  3. The Avi Load Balancer clears out the session details of the user from the session DB.

  4. The Avi Load Balancer sends the redirect request to the end session endpoint of the Authorization Server or IDP (which is configured in Avi Load Balancer) with the invalid cookie to clear out the existing application or Browser cookies.

     GET https://IDP.com/end_session_endpoint?id_token_hint=id_token_issued_to_client&post_logout_redirect_uri=configured_uri 
  5. Authorization Server/IDP clears the session details of the user and,

    1. The admin must first configure post_logout_redirect_uri at the IDP (for instance, okta) end, to which IDP redirects the user after logout is performed.

    2. If step a is not done, the Avi Load Balancer will configure post_logout_redirect_uri.

  6. Authorization Server/ IDP redirects to the Avi Load Balancer endpoint at post_logout_redirect_uri.

  7. The user can log out successfully.

  8. After successful logout, the user must provide the credentials to again access the resources, and the Avi Load Balancer initiates the OAuth login flow.


The above flow is applicable only when a valid session cookie is sent by the client on clicking the Logout button.

URI Endpoints

The three URI endpoints in RP-Initiated logout are as follows:

Logout URI (Mandatory):

This endpoint is configured in Avi Load Balancer and the Logout button in the application navigates to this endpoint.

End Session Endpoint (Mandatory):

This endpoint is configured in Avi Load Balancer and provided by IDP.

Post Logout Redirect URI (Recommended):

The endpoint URI to which the RP requests that the end-user’s user agent be redirected to, after a logout has been performed. The same value must be configured in the IDP and the Avi Load Balancer.

Configuring RP-Initiated Logout Using the UI

For more information on prerequisite configuration steps for OIDC, see Client and Resource Server for OAuth / OIDC section above.

Navigate to Applications > Virtual Services.

  1. Click Create or edit the existing Virtual Services.

  2. Navigate to Policies > Access.

  3. Under Access Policy, select OAUTH.

  4. Create or edit an Auth Profile by configuring End Session Endpoint.

  5. Under Access Policy, enter the details in the fields.

  6. Enter Logout URI and Post Logout Redirect URI as shown below:

  7. Click Save.

Configuring RP-Initiated Logout Using the CLI

The prerequisite configuration steps for OIDC are explained here.

  1. Configure OAuth oauth_profile of authprofile with end_session_endpoint or logout URI of IDP (For example, okta)

     [admin: controller]: > configure authprofile okta-oauth
     [admin: controller]:authprofile > oauth_profile
     [admin: controller]:authprofile:oauth_profile> end_session_endpoint https://dev-477407.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/logout
     [admin: controller]:authprofile:oauth_profile>save
     [admin: controller]:authprofile>save
     [admin: controller]:>
  2. Configure OAuth enabled virtual service with oidc_enable set to true using configure virtualservice <VS_NAME> command.

     [admin: controller] configure virtualservice okta-test 
  3. Configure logout_uri and post_logout_redirect_uri under the oauth_vs_config submodule of virtual service.

    [admin: controller]:virtualservice> oauth_vs_config
     [admin: controller]:virtualservice:oauth_vs_config> logout_uri https://okta-test.auth.com/oauth/logout
     [admin: controller]:virtualservice:oauth_vs_config> post_logout_redirect_uri https://okta-test.auth.com/
     [admin: controller]:virtualservice:oauth_vs_config> save
     [admin: controller]:virtualservice> save
     [admin: controller]:>


[admin:controller]: virtualservice> oauth_vs_config
[admin:controller]: virtualservice:oauth_vs_config> where
Tenant: admin
Cloud: Default-Cloud
| Field                    | Value                                      |
| redirect_uri             | https://okta-test.auth.com/oauth/callback  |
| cookie_name              | OAUTH_IUPKWGL                              |
| cookie_timeout           | 1 min                                      |  
| oauth_settings[1]        |                                            |    
|   auth_profile_ref       | okta-oauth                                 |    
|   app_settings           |                                            |    
|     oidc_config          |                                            |    
|       oidc_enable        | True                                       |    
|       profile            | True                                       |    
|       userinfo           | True                                       |    
|     client_id            | 0oaubdgcuk6wLEfKq0h7                       |    
|     client_secret        | <sensitive>                                |
|   resource_server        |                                            |    
|     access_type          | ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE_OPAQUE                   |    
|     opaque_token_params  |                                            |    
|       server_id          | 0oaubdgcuk6wLEfKq0h7                       |    
|       server_secret      | <sensitive>                                |
| key[1]                   |                                            |    
|   name                   | dc7dde0a-8a64-45b4-8ded-f65adb03c2a4       |    
|   aes_key                | b'sdZFYlVECVu9aW7XK4IhVaC8TfakvNS          |
|     logout_uri           | https://okta-test.auth.com/oauth/logout    |      
| post_logout_redirect_uri | https://okta-test.auth.com/                |                

The end_session_endpoint is configured under authprofile as shown below:

[admin:controller]: > show authprofile okta-oauth
| Field                    | Value                                                   |
| uuid                     | authprofile-998740b9-5123-4d4d-8fb9-       |
| name                     | okta-oauth                                 |          
| type                     | AUTH_PROFILE_OAUTH                         |            
| oauth_profile            |                                            |            
|   authorization_endpoint | https://dev-                               | |                          |477407.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/authorize  |
|   token_endpoint         | https://dev-                               | |                          |477407.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/token      |                                
|   introspection_endpoint | https://dev-                               |       |                          |477407.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/introspect |
|   jwks_uri               | https://dev-                               |     |                          |477407.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/keys       |      
|   jwks_timeout           | 0 min                                      |                                               
|   issuer                 | https://dev-477407.oktapreview.com         |                       
|   pool_ref               | pool-okta                                  |                                             
|   oauth_resp_buffer_sz   | 1000000                                    |                                             
|   userinfo_endpoint      | https://dev-                               |                   |                          | 477407.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo  |
|   end_session_endpoint   | https://dev-                               |      |                          |477407.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/logout     |
| tenant_ref               | admin                                      |                                                 
  1. Logout URI is only applicable if OIDC is enabled.

  2. End Session Endpoint must be configured to configure Logout URI.

  3. End Session Endpoint cannot be removed if Logout URI is configured. To remove the End Session Endpoint, no value must be configured for the Logout URI.