The BGP profile is included under Avi Load Balancer’s virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) settings.

BGP configuration is tenant-specific and the profile. Accordingly, sub-options appear in a suitable tenant vrfcontext. The following commands configure the BGP profile.

[admin:controller]: > configure vrfcontext vrf1
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext> bgp_profile 
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> local_as 100
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> no ibgp 
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> peers 
New object being created
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> remote_as 700
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> peer_ip
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> subnet
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> peer_ip6 fd00::250:56ff:feba:ec8e
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> subnet6 fd00::/64                                                                     
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> md5_secret avi123
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> save
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> save
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext> save
| Field                      | Value                                           |
| uuid                       | vrfcontext-0a66af1b-00fb-4d2f-bfe1-c169e420db0f |
| name                       | vrf1                                            |
| bgp_profile                |                                                 |
|   local_as                 | 100                                             |
|   ibgp                     | False                                           |
|   peers[1]                 |                                                 |
|     remote_as              | 700                                             |
|     peer_ip                |                                      |
|     subnet                 |                                   |
|     md5_secret             | <sensitive>                                     |
|     bfd                    | True                                            |
|     advertise_vip          | True                                            |
|     advertise_snat_ip      | True                                            |
|     advertisement_interval | 5                                               |
|     connect_timer          | 10                                              |
|     ebgp_multihop          | 0                                               |
|     peer_ip6               | fd00::250:56ff:feba:ec8e                        |
|     subnet6                | fd00::/64                                       |
|     shutdown               | False                                           |
|   keepalive_interval       | 60                                              |
|   hold_time                | 180                                             |
|   send_community           | True                                            |
|   shutdown                 | False                                           |
| system_default             | True                                            |
| lldp_enable                | True                                            |
| tenant_ref                 | admin                                           |
| cloud_ref                  | Default-Cloud                                   |
[admin:controller]: >

This profile enables iBGP with peer BGP router in local AS 100. The BGP connection is secured using MD5 with shared secret “abcd.”

The following commands enable RHI for a virtual service (vs-1):

: > configure virtualservice vs-1
: virtualservice > enable_rhi
: virtualservice > save
: >

The following commands enable RHI for a source-NAT’ed floating IP address for a virtual service (vs-1):

: > configure virtualservice vs-1
: virtualservice > enable_rhi_snat
: virtualservice > save
: >

Ensure that the options Scale out ECMP and RHI are not enabled for a virtual service at the sametime.

In case of misconfiguration, on upgrading to version 22.1.4 or higher, the virtual service goes into an error state and display the following message:

We have encountered a problem during your request: Scale out ECMP and RHI cannot be enabled at the same time.

To fix this, run the script provided below:

import sys, os, django
import argparse

os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'portal.settings_local')


from import protobuf2model
from avi.infrastructure.db_transaction import db_transaction
from api.models import VirtualService

def fix_virtualservice_ecmp_rhi():
    virtualservices = VirtualService.objects.all()
    for vs in virtualservices:
        vs_protobuf = vs.protobuf()
        print("Processing VirtualService: %s ",
        if vs_protobuf.scaleout_ecmp and vs_protobuf.enable_rhi:
            print("Found vs: " + + " with both ecmp and rhi set")
            vs_protobuf.enable_rhi = False
            protobuf2model(vs_protobuf, None, True, run_default_function=False)     
if __name__ == '__main__':

This deactivates the option enable_rhi. In case you want to use RHI, toggle off the option Scale out ECMP in theStep 4: Advanced tab of the virtual services screen.

The following command can be used to view the virtual service’s configuration:

: > show virtualservice

Two configuration knobs have been added to configure the per-peer, namely, advertisement-interval and connect_timer in Quagga BGP:


Minimum time between advertisement runs. The default value is 5 seconds.


Time due for connect timer. The default value is 10 seconds.

Usage is illustrated in this CLI sequence:

[admin:controller]:> configure vrfcontext management
Multiple objects found for this query.
	[0]: vrfcontext-52d6cf4f-55fa-4f32-b774-9ed53f736902#management in tenant admin, Cloud AWS-Cloud
	[1]: vrfcontext-9ff610a4-98fa-4798-8ad9-498174fef333#management in tenant admin, Cloud Default-Cloud
Select one: 1
Updating an existing object. Currently, the object is:
| Field          | Value                                           |
| uuid           | vrfcontext-9ff610a4-98fa-4798-8ad9-498174fef333 |
| name           | management                                      |
| system_default | True                                            |
| tenant_ref     | admin                                           |
| cloud_ref      | Default-Cloud                                   |
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext> bgp_profile
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> peers
New object being created
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> advertisement_interval 10
Overwriting the previously entered value for advertisement_interval
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> connect_timer 20
Overwriting the previously entered value for connect_timer
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> save
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> save
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext> save

Configuration knobs have been added to configure the keepalive_interval and hold timer on a global and per-peer basis:

[admin:controller]: > configure vrfcontext global
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext> bgp_profile

Overwriting the previously entered value for keepalive_interval:

[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> keepalive_interval 30

Overwriting the previously entered value for hold_time:

[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> hold_time 90
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> save
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext> save

The above commands configure the keepalive/ hold timers on a global basis, but those values can be overridden for a given peer using the following per-peer commands. Both the global and per-peer knobs have default values of 60 seconds for the keepalive timer and 180 seconds for the hold timer.

[admin:controller]: > configure vrfcontext global
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext> bgp_profile
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> peers index 1

Overwriting the previously entered value for keepalive_interval:

[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> keepalive_interval 10

Overwriting the previously entered value for hold_time:

[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> hold_time 30
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile:peers> save
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext:bgp_profile> save
[admin:controller]: vrfcontext> save


The following is an example of router configuration when the BGP peer is FRR:

You need to find the interface information of the SE, which is peering with the router.

[admin-ctlr1]: > show serviceengine interface summary | grep ip_addr
|     ip_addr          | fe80:1::250:56ff:fe91:1bed   |
|     ip_addr          |                  |
|     ip_addr          | fe80:2::250:56ff:fe91:b2     |
|     ip_addr          |                 | 

Here matches the subnet in the peer configuration in vrfcontext->bgp_profileobject.

In the FRR router, the CLI is as follows:

# vtysh
Hello, this is FRRouting (version 7.2.1).
Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al.

frr1# configure t
frr1(config)# router bgp 100
frr1(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 100
frr1(config-router)# neighbor password abcd
frr1(config-router)# end

You need to perform this for all the SEs that will be peering.

show serviceengine < > route Filter

The following is the CLI command to use show serviceengine <SE_ip> route:

[admin:controller]: > show serviceengine route filter
configured_routes   Show routes configured using controller
dynamic_routes      Show routes learned through routing protocols
host_routes         Show routes learned from host
vrf_ref             Only this Vrf

If no VRF is provided in the filters, the command output can show routes from global vrf which is present in the system, by default.

Enable Gratuitous ARP

You can enable gratuitous ARP for the virtual service allocated through BGP. This feature is enabled at the Service Engine group level as shown:

[admin:controller]: > configure serviceenginegroup se_group_test
[admin:controller]: serviceenginegroup> enable_gratarp_permanent

The BFD parameters are user-configurable using the CLI. For more information, see High Frequency BFD.