Migrations of storage can cause the renaming of vCenter datastores. This in turn can result in issues, such as the absence of SEs for VIPs, loss of resiliency, no new VIP creation, and so on.

Avi Load Balancer supports the name change of datastores in vCenter.

  • Avi Load Balancer stores datastore names in SE groups exclusively.

  • After changing the name of the datastore, the ManagedObjectId of the datastore objects will remain the same in vCenter. Ensure you track the vCenterManagedObjectId with its corresponding name in Avi Load Balancer.

  • Operations in Avi Load Balancer will fall back to using the datastore name in the absence of ManagedObjectId in SE Group.

Configuring Datastore Name in Service Engine Groups

Configure Service Engine Group using datastore_name and managed_object_id commands as shown below:

[admin:10-102-96-215]: > configure serviceenginegroup TestSEG
Updating an existing object. Currently, the object is:
| Field                                   | Value                                                   |
| uuid                                    | serviceenginegroup-6eec6635-bd09-41c7-9def-3220a6393b31 |
| name                                    | TestSEG                                                 |

[admin:10-102-96-215]: serviceenginegroup> vcenter_datastore_mode vcenter_datastore_shared 
Overwriting the previously entered value for vcenter_datastore_mode

[admin:10-102-96-215]: serviceenginegroup> vcenter_datastores datastore_name blr-01-vc13c01-vsan managed_object_id datastore-1042
New object being created
[admin:10-102-96-215]: serviceenginegroup:vcenter_datastores> save
[admin:10-102-96-215]: serviceenginegroup> vcenter_datastores_include 
Overwriting the previously entered value for vcenter_datastores_include
[admin:10-102-96-215]: serviceenginegroup> save
| Field                                   | Value                                                   |
| uuid                                    | serviceenginegroup-6eec6635-bd09-41c7-9def-3220a6393b31 |
| name                                    | TestSEG                                                 |
| max_vs_per_se                           | 10                                                      |
| min_scaleout_per_vs                     | 1                                                       |
| max_scaleout_per_vs                     | 4                                                       |
| max_se                                  | 10                                                      |
| vcpus_per_se                            | 1                                                       |
| memory_per_se                           | 2048                                                    |
| disk_per_se                             | 15 gb                                                   |
| max_cpu_usage                           | 80 percent                                              |
| min_cpu_usage                           | 30 percent                                              |
| se_deprovision_delay                    | 120 min                                                 |
| auto_rebalance                          | False                                                   |
| se_name_prefix                          | Avi                                                     |
| vs_host_redundancy                      | True                                                    |
| vcenter_folder                          | AviSeFolder                                             |
| vcenter_datastores[1]                   |                                                         |
|   datastore_name                        | blr-01-vc13c01-vsan 
|   managed_object_id                     | datastore-1042                                          |
| vcenter_datastores_include              | True                                                    |
| vcenter_datastore_mode                  | VCENTER_DATASTORE_SHARED                                |