You can change the vCenter IP for the existing cloud.

Changing the vCenter IP/ URL

You can modify vCenter URL or IP if the new IP/ URL points to the same datacenter. vCenter cloud allows you to change vCenter IP in cloud object and accept IPv6 address, if any. New vCenter IP points to a different vCenter:vCenter Cloud:
  • vcenter_url in vcenter_configuration cloud configuration will accept IPv6 also.

  • vcenter_url can be modified only if the new vcenter_url points to the same datacenter of the vCenter.

  • If the vcenter_url points to a different datacenter, then the system displays an error message while saving the cloud.

Changing the vCenter IP and Datacenter Name for existing vCenter Cloud

You can change the datacenter name in vCenter as well as in Avi Load Balancer, if only the datacenter name is changed. Ensure that the new datacenter name should not point to a different datacenter. In Avi Load Balancer, the stored datacenter_managed_object_id remains the same even if there is a change in datacenter name in vCenter.