This section explains how to remove one of the follower nodes and add another.

If the node is removed and replaced with a different node (different VM, container, or bare metal server), see Replacing a Follower Node with a New Node. The cluster has to be dismantled, and then recreated using the new node.

Web Interface

The following are the steps to change a follower mode in the web interface:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Controller > Nodes.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Edit the IP address for the follower node to be changed.

  4. Click Save.


Login to the CLI (or CLI shell) and enter the commands shown in the following example:


Ensure that you enter the host IP addresses of your Controller nodes instead of the IP addresses shown in the example.

configure cluster
Updating an existing object. Currently, the object is:
| Field         | Value                                        |
| uuid          | cluster-eb01bf05-7313-4a4f-91b6-21e46d3c237d |
| name          | cluster-0-1                                  |
| nodes[1]      |                                              |
| name          | node-1                                       |
| ip            |                                  |
| vm_ref        | EB01BF05-7313-4A4F-91B6-21E46D3C237D         |
| vm_mor        |                                              |
| vm_hostname   | node1.controller.local                       |
| nodes[2]      |                                              |
| name          | node-2                                       |
| ip            |                                  |
| vm_ref        | EC123A05-7313-4A4F-91B6-21E46D3D46AF         |
| vm_mor        |                                              |
| vm_hostname   | node2.controller.local                       |
| nodes[3]      |                                              |
| name          |                                  |
| ip            |                                  |
| vm_ref        | EA12C05-7313-4A4F-91B6-21E46D3E256EA         |
| vm_mor        |                                              |
| vm_hostname   | node3.controller.local                       |
| tenant_ref    | admin                                        |
: cluster> no nodes name node-3
Removed nodes with name=node-3
: cluster:nodes> save
: cluster> nodes name node-4 ip
Removed nodes with name=node-4
: cluster:nodes> save
: cluster> save

Configuring the cluster with the Controller nodes at [u’’, ‘’, ‘’]. If you add or remove nodes from the cluster, you must bring down this Controller and then back up with the new configuration.

Waiting for the cluster to be ready...
Controller is ready.

After saving,

  • The removed follower node is sent an API request to clear its own state.

  • Since the old follower is not always expected to clear its own state, the leader will forcibly remove it if necessary.

  • The new follower node is added.