This section describes collection of tech support logs using API.

Execute the following command to collect tech support logs using REST API:

GET https:///api/techsupport/debuglogs

Collecting Tech Support Logs using Tech Support API v2

API version 2 (v2 API) is available for collecting tech support logs.

  • Tech support v2 API is not blocking in nature. The v1 API is blocking in nature. The v1 API blocks the access of the device till the tech support collection completes. On an average, the tech support collection takes more than five to six minutes. This duration is dependent on the number of cluster nodes, number of log files, bandwidth, etc.. Due to this duration, the CLI timeout and timeout intervals are increased to capture tech support logs successfully using the v1 API.

  • v1 APIs are not deprecated. You can still use the blocking API (VI API) in your scripts as required.

The following are few of the API methods which are used to collect tech support logs:

  • Use the following API call to collect tech support logs:

GET api/techsupportv2/debuglogs

  • Use the following API call to collect tech support logs for a specific SE instance:

api/techsupportv2/serviceengine/<SE Id>

  • Use the following API call to check the status of tech support collection. The following API indicates the path for tech support tarball (files) and the current status.

GET api/techsupportstatusv2

  • Use the following API call to download the tech support files.

GET api/fileservice?uri=controller://tech_support

Additional Information

The following command collects the debug logs on each of the Avi Load BalancerController nodes. This option keeps the collected tech support bundle to a minimal size. The option is particularly useful if the core archive bundles that are present have already been uploaded and fixed.

show tech-support debuglogs