The Avi Load Balancer defines three new events based on the performance metrics of the CPU, memory, and disk usage of a Controller. When metrics trigger events, the events manifest in the Avi Load Balancer UI and can be used to take user-defined actions. This topic discusses events triggered by changes in performance metrics.

New Controller Events

  • CONTROLLER_CPU_HIGH event is generated if the Controller’s CPU usage, aggregated over all cores, exceeds 85%.

  • CONTROLLER_DISK_HIGH event is generated if the Controller’s disk usage exceeds 85%.

  • CONTROLLER_MEM_HIGH event is generated if the Controller’s memory usage exceeds 85%.

These events are always generated and displayed on the Avi Load Balancer UI. For example, controller metrics events can be checked in the Operations > Events > All Events page, as shown below.

In addition, users can do the following.

  • Set up alerts for these three events, for example, by establishing an alert config on the Avi Load Balancer UI.

  • Write ControlScripts to perform customized actions when the events occur.

  • Choose to ignore them.