This section explains how to configure pre-CRS rules.

The custom rules that are applied before the supplied OWASP CRS are called Pre-CRS rules. For more information, see Custom Rules Examples.

To define Pre-CRS rules do the following:

  1. From the Avi Load Balancer UI, navigate to Templates > WAF > WAF Policy.

  2. Click Create Or Edit an existing WAF Policy.

  3. Enter the required details under the Settings Tab.

  4. Click the Signatures tab.

  5. Under Pre-CRS rules, click Create Group.

  6. Enter the Group Name. Every rule is configured within a group.

  7. Click the Create Rule button. Rules are enabled by default. To disable a Rule, deselect the Enable Rule check box.

  8. Enter a Name for the rule.

  9. Select one of the following options:

    1. Use Policy Mode

    2. Detection.

    3. Enforcement.

    For more information on selecting modes, see Selecting a WAF Policy Mode.

  10. Enter the Rule in the text box. The Rule is specified in Modsec language.