
While reinstalling Metallb, the following error appears if the old entries are not removed.
error: installation failed: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. unable to continue with install: customresourcedefinition ""


  • Delete all the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD)s related to Metallb.
    1. Run the following command to get the list of Kubernetes CRDs.
      kubectl get crds | grep metallb

      The list of Kubernetes CRDs appear.

    2. Run the following commands to delete each Kubernetes CRDs.
      kubectl delete crds <crds_name> "<crds_name>" deleted
    3. Run the following command to delete all the Metallb related clusterrolebindings.
      kubectl get clusterrolebindings | grep metallb
      capv@wc-dev-master-control-plane-fcg4g [ ~ ]$ kubectl get clusterrolebindings | grep metallb
      metallb:controller          ClusterRole/metallb:controller                26m
      metallb:speaker             ClusterRole/metallb:speaker                   26m
      capv@wc-dev-master-control-plane-fcg4g [ ~ ]$ kubectl delete clusterrolebinding metallb:controller "metallb:controller" deleted
      capv@wc-dev-master-control-plane-fcg4g [ ~ ]$ kubectl delete clusterrolebinding metallb:speaker "metallb:speaker" deleted
    4. Run the following command to delete all the Metallb related clusterroles.
      kubectl get clusterrole | grep metallb
      capv@wc-dev-master-control-plane-fcg4g [ ~ ]$ kubectl get clusterrole | grep metallb
      metallb:controller              2023-03-25T17:32:54Z
      metallb:speaker                 2023-03-25T17:32:54Z
      capv@wc-dev-master-control-plane-fcg4g [ ~ ]$ kubectl delete clusterrole metallb:controller "metallb:controller" deleted
      capv@wc-dev-master-control-plane-fcg4g [ ~ ]$ kubectl delete clusterrole metallb:speaker "metallb:speaker" deleted
    5. Run the following command to delete the webhook for metallb.
      capv@wc-dev-master-control-plane-fcg4g [ ~ ]$ kubectl get validatingwebhookconfiguration
      NAME                            WEBHOOKS   AGE
      metallb-webhook-configuration   7          32m
      nodeconfig-validator            1          73d
      capv@wc-dev-master-control-plane-fcg4g [ ~ ]$ kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration metallb-webhook-configuration "metallb-webhook-configuration" deleted