You can update the Certificate value and upgrade the Helm chart.

To change or upgrade a Helm chart to use a different specification version or content, edit the overrides values YAML files to provide the relevant information.

One example to update the Certificate value and upgrade the helm chart is provided below:


  • Run the following command to configure the new value for the CA certificate .Values.bma.certificates.api_ca_cert. in bma-remote-worker-values.yaml.
    helm upgrade vmware-bma-remote-worker -n bma-remote-worker -f bma-remote-worker-values.yaml ./chart-vmware-bma-remote-worker-v2023.2.459-b6.tgz
    Note: If the hostname of the VMware BMA Core is changed, the host address and host alias{ip, hostname} also must be modified to match the new VMware BMA core TLS certificate’s Common Name (CN).