Using the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator, you can deploy VMware Blockchain nodes on your os environment.
Verify that your VMware Blockchain Orchestrator appliance is successfully deployed. See Prepare Your AWS Environment for Deployment.
Verify that you familiarize yourself with the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator descriptor files. See Configuring the Infrastructure Descriptor Parameters on AWS and Configuring the Deployment Descriptor Parameters on AWS.
- Power on the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator appliance.
- SSH into the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator appliance.
- Enter the login credentials for the blockchain user account.
- Navigate to the /home/blockchain directory.
- List the contents of the /home/blockchain directory.
ls -l
Option Description /home/blockchain/orchestrator-runtime
Directory consists of all the docker-compose files and descriptor files.
You can run the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator script from this directory.
Runs the Docker configuration service and provisioning service containers.
The prerequisite service starts when the VM is powered on. The prerequisite service times out if the VM does not have connectivity when powered on and must be manually restarted.
Runs the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator script to deploy VMware Blockchain nodes.
Directory stores the infrastructure definitions of all the available parameters to manually configure to deploy VMware Blockchain nodes.
Directory stores the deployment definitions of all the available parameters to manually configure to deploy VMware Blockchain nodes.
To configure the descriptor files and set the parameter values, you must create directories to store the descriptor files.
- Create a directory for the descriptor files.
See the sample directory structure.
Option Description /home/blockchain/descriptors
Directory stores the infrastructure and deployment descriptor JSON files.
VMware Blockchain Orchestrator uses the parameter values set in the infrastructure and deployment descriptor files during provisioning.
Directory stores the deployment details, such as IP address, Replica and Client node names, blockchain ID, and consortium ID.
File provides infrastructure details for deployment that VMware Blockchain Orchestrator uses to prescribe the parameters and connect to AWS.
File provides deployment details for Replica and Client nodes. If you deploy Full Copy Client nodes, the deployment details are included in this file.
For example, the file also consists of zone names, client group names, and IP addresses.
- Verify that the Docker containers are running.
cd ~blockchain/orchestrator-runtime sudo docker ps -a
The Docker containers that are running appear.
blockchain@localhost [ ~ ]$ sudo docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES a20b7fbeacff "java -Dspring.confi…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>9003/tcp,>9023/tcp orchestrator-runtime_config-service_1 10cdca6852d8 "java -Dspring.confi…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes 8000/tcp,>9002/tcp orchestrator-runtime_persephone-provisioning_1
- If the Docker containers are not running, then restart the Docker containers.
- Log into the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator appliance.
- Restart the system service, which in turn starts the Docker containers.
systemctl restart blockchain.service
- Create the infrastructure and deployment descriptor files in the descriptor directory.
VMware Blockchain Orchestrator uses the variables defined in these descriptor files to provision the VMware Blockchain nodes.
Sample infrastructure_descriptor.json file to deploy to AWS.
{ "organization": { "damlSdkVersion": "2.2.1", "blockchainVersion": "" }, "zones": [ { "name": "zone-A", "region": "us-east-1", "credentials": { "accessKeyId": "<access-key-id>", "secretAccessKey": "<secret-access-key>", "sessionToken" : "<session-token>" }, "network": { "subnetId": "subnet-02bd7fc869499e90a", "securityGroupIds": [ "sg-00f7cbfdca902d1ff" ] }, "containerRegistry": { "url": "", "userName": "vmbc-token", "password": "<password>" }, "wavefront": { "url": "", "token": "90e3b381-6779-41ce-9f4f-d08a9d72d68b" }, "logManagement": [ { "type": "AWS_CLOUDWATCH", "cloudwatchLogConfig": { "region": "us-east-1", "logGroupName": "castor-group", "logStreamName": "castor-stream" } } ] } ] }
Sample deployment_descriptor.json file to deploy cloned the Replica, Client, and Full Copy Client nodes.
{ "replicas": [ { "zoneName": "zone-A", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "keyName": "vmbc_test" } ], "replicaNodeSpec": { "instanceType": "m4.10xlarge", "diskSizeGib": 5000 }, "clients": [ { "zoneName": "zone-A", "groupName": "g1", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "groupName": "g1", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "groupName": "g2", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "groupName": "g2", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "groupName": "g3", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "groupName": "g3", "keyName": "vmbc_test" } ], "clientNodeSpec": { "instanceType": "m4.10xlarge", "diskSizeGib": 5000 }, "fullCopyClients": [ { "zoneName": "zone-A", "accessKey": "<access-key>", "bucketName": "run1", "protocol": "HTTP", "secretKey": "<secret-key>", "url": "", "keyName": "vmbc_test" }, { "zoneName": "zone-A", "accessKey": "<access-key>", "bucketName": "run1", "protocol": "HTTP", "secretKey": "<secret-key>", "url": "", "keyName": "vmbc_test" } ], "fullCopyClientNodeSpec": { "instanceType": "m4.10xlarge", "diskSizeGib": 1000 }, "operatorSpecifications": { "operatorPublicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- \nMFYwEAYHKoZIz\n----- END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" }, "tags": { "Name": "AWS-RUN1" }, "blockchain": { "consortiumName": "AWS-RUN1", "blockchainType": "DAML" } }
- Validate your infrastructure descriptor file semantics against the infrastructure-descriptor-v1.schema.
- Validate your deployment descriptor file semantics against the deployment-descriptor-v1.schema.
- Validate that the credentials, network name, and folder name are correctly populated to avoid errors.
ORCHESTRATOR_DESCRIPTORS_DIR=/home/blockchain/descriptors INFRA_DESC_FILENAME=infrastructure_descriptor.json DEPLOY_DESC_FILENAME=deployment_descriptor.json ORCHESTRATOR_OUTPUT_DIR=/home/blockchain/output ORCHESTRATOR_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE=VALIDATE docker-compose -f docker-compose-orchestrator.yml up
- Run the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator deployment script.
For a new deployment, run the command.
ORCHESTRATOR_DESCRIPTORS_DIR=/home/blockchain/descriptors INFRA_DESC_FILENAME=infrastructure_descriptor.json DEPLOY_DESC_FILENAME=deployment_descriptor.json ORCHESTRATOR_OUTPUT_DIR=/home/blockchain/output docker-compose -f docker-compose-orchestrator.yml up
For a clone deployment, run the command.
ORCHESTRATOR_DESCRIPTORS_DIR=/home/blockchain/descriptors INFRA_DESC_FILENAME=infrastructure_descriptor_clone.json DEPLOY_DESC_FILENAME=deployment_descriptor_clone.json ORCHESTRATOR_OUTPUT_DIR=/home/blockchain/output ORCHESTRATOR_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE=CLONE docker-compose -f docker-compose-orchestrator.yml up
- (Optional) If you have enabled the pullMetricsEndpoint parameter, you can run the command and retrieve the monitoring metrics data.
# If using username/password use http curl -i -u '<username>:<password>' http://<VM-IP>:9273/metrics # If using TLS use https curl -i -l -u '<username>:<password>' https://<VM-IP>:9273/metrics -k
After a successful deployment, the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator creates and saves the deployment results in the /home/blockchain/output directory.
If your deployment fails, identify the error and fix it before redeploying the VMware Blockchain nodes.
What to do next
Verify that the Replica node includes all the parameter values set in the deployment descriptor. See Validate a Replica Node in VMware Blockchain Orchestrator on AWS.