Metrics collected from the Replica node are displayed in the Tanzu Observability by Wavefront dashboard for analysis.

The Replica node metrics show data derived from the Concord container and the Daml Execution Engine.

For the failed Daml Ledger API gRPC service response containing status code, an optional status message, and optional metadata, see

Core Blockchain Metrics


Number of blocks

Shows the total number of blocks in the blockchain.

Blocks per second

Shows the rate of blocks created in the blockchain per second.

Blocks are created in the final step of running a write-request.

Daml writes per second

Shows the number of write requests received from Daml per second. Each Daml write request might contain a batch of Daml requests.

If the workload contains numerous write requests, then expect this metric to increase and observe an increase in consensus-related metrics.

Daml read per second

Shows the number of read requests received from Daml per second. Each Daml read request might contain a batch of Daml requests.

If this metric increases rapidly, most of the requests are read requests. You can safely ignore this surge in the metrics.

SlowPaths per second

Shows the number of times in the defined window where the slow path was taken, reducing the performance.

If this metric rate is high, then the Concord container in the Replica node is working in slow mode, indicating a problem.

FastPaths per second

Shows the number of times in the defined window where the fast path was taken to enhance the performance.


Computes the set of key-value pairs (KVP) written on the blocks when a command is run.

The number of KVPs generated must constantly increase. If this metric is not increasing continuously, it is an error or a workload with several large requests.

Daml writes throughput and concord-bft requests throughput

Indicate the total committed blockchain and Daml transactions in each timeframe. Spikes in these metrics help indicate problems in the concord-bft.