Purpose:To ignore the writes of non-executable Microsoft SQL Server files.

Description: Improves the performance of Microsoft SQL servers when running alongside Carbon Black App Control.

Enabled by Default: No
Platform: Windows
Minimum Agent Version Required: 7.2.0

The Edit Rapid Config page for the Microsoft SQL Server Rapid Config

Rapid Config Settings

As with most rapid configs, you can:

  • Enable or disable the rapid config.

  • Specify what policies the rapid config applies to.

Microsoft SQL Server Files

This group allows you to specify Microsoft SQL Server related files that will be ignored by Carbon Black App Control when they are written by the processes specified below.

The Microsoft SQL Server files settings for the Microsoft SQL Server Rapid Config

*SQL Server Files To Ignore:
Carbon Black App Control will ignore writes of these specified Microsoft SQL Server Files. You can add or remove items from this list.
  • *.ldf
  • *.mdf
  • *.ndf
*Processes That Write The Files To Ignore:
Carbon Black App Control will ignore writes to the specifed files by these processes. You can add or remove items from this list. The default entry is as follows:
<OnlyIf:RegKeyExists:HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server><ProgramFiles>\Microsoft SQL Server\*
Files That Will Be Tracked:
If there are files that are being ignored that should be tracked add them here.