If a computer is offline, a Find Files search includes the matching files from that computer’s most recent synchronization with the Carbon Black App Control Server in the results.

The next time the computer connects to the Carbon Black App Control Server, its file information is updated within a short time (depending upon the network traffic and how many computers are being updated), and the updated information becomes available to Find File.

Find File Results tables that include the Computer column have an indicator to the left of the computer name that shows the computer status:

  • A blue circle indicates that the computer is connected and up-to-date.
  • A yellow circle indicates a computer that is connected but awaiting an action (agent out of date, requires reboot, or other reasons).
  • A gray circle indicates a disconnected computer.

When you move the mouse cursor over a status circle, more information for that computer’s status appears below the name, including how long a computer has been offline.