You can modify or disable the reputation approval features in the same place where they were enabled. Modifications include changing the file or publisher trust threshold and changing the policies affected by reputation approvals.

You also can disable one type of reputation approval (that is, publisher or file) while leaving the other approval in place.

The effect of modifying or disabling reputation approvals depends on what kind of approval you enabled. Changes in reputation approval have different network impacts as rules are re-evaluated.

  • Changing the approval threshold for file reputation approvals can have a very significant one-time impact on server and network traffic while the changes are processed. Evaluation and updating of the File Catalog can take a few minutes, but depending upon the number of agents and the size of the File Catalog, it could take hours or days to send the new file state information to all agents.
  • Disabling file approvals can have a very significant network impact and, as with changing the approval threshold, might require from hours to days before all agents are updated with the changes in file state.
  • Changes in publisher approval rules or policy coverage do not have a significant impact.
  • Disabling publisher approval does not undo any local file approvals that already occurred because of publisher reputation.

To modify or disable the reputation approvals feature, click Rules > Software Rules on the console menu and click the Reputation tab. Make any needed changes and click Save.

  • You can also enable or disable reputation approvals for a policy on its Edit Policy page.
  • You can create exceptions for files or publishers you do not want controlled by reputation approvals. See Creating Exceptions for Files and Publishers.