Many Carbon Black App Control rules involve specification of a file name or path, or other manually entered information such as a user, group, or computer name.

On both macOS and Windows computers, file names, paths, and user names in rules normally are not case sensitive. On Linux computers, file and user names in rules are normally case sensitive; for example, if you create a rule to ban /temp/myfile.exe, it will not block the files MyFile.exe or /TEMP/myfile.exe. There are two additional factors to consider in determining how case sensitivity works for rule parameters:

  • Regardless of the general case-sensitivity rule for an operating system, it is actually the file system that determines case sensitivity. If a case-sensitive file system is attached to a computer whose standard file system is not case-sensitive, Carbon Black App Control rules are case sensitive and vice versa. Keep this in mind when you connect an external drive or mount a network file system to an Carbon Black App Control-managed computer.
  • The case of text entered in rule fields is preserved even if it is not relevant in its current use. This might be significant if you copy information to a place in which it applies to a different platform.

When you enter a path, be sure to use the correct directory delimiters for the platform it applies to, and to use only characters and formats legal for paths in the chosen platform. The Carbon Black App Control Server does not convert paths between platforms (for example, \ to /), although it will display a warning in some cases if the delimiter is known to be a mismatch for the platform.