This topic describes portlet graphic and advanced settings.

Table 1. Portlet Graphics Settings



Chart type

This menu lists the ways you can represent data for the portlet type and subtype. The list can include points, bars, and pie charts, and other options.


This setting lists the types of attributes that are available for the portlet type and subtype. Select an attribute (for example, Computer name) to distribute along the X axis of the chart. For different types of charts, the choice here might not determine what displays on the X axis, but instead defines the fundamental data in another format. For example, the definition of what each slice of a pie represents in a pie chart.

Limit to the 5|10|15 highest|lowest values

If you put certain data such as individual computers on the X-axis, you can have too many instances to display effectively inside the portlet. The Limit to check box and menus allow you to show only the instances with the 5, 10, or 15 highest or lowest values. The limit allows you to have a usable graphic. This check box is not displayed for certain chart types, including scatter charts or columns using the auto-split feature.

Group by

This setting displays only if you choose Scatter as the Chart type. If you choose a Group by value, the dots on the scatter chart represent the total value for the group you indicate rather than values for an individual group member. For example, if you choose Policy as the Group by value, instead representing a Y value for individual computers, the dots represent the Y value for all the computers in a policy.

Exclude “Unknown” X-axis values

If you select this check box, data with unknown X-axis values is eliminated from the chart or graph. This option presents a way to eliminate less useful information from the portlet.

Split by

This setting specifies the information type whose values split the X-axis data. For example, you might create a portlet that shows raw drift by policy. Split by creates a separate series (bar, column, or segment) for each unique value in a selected column, so a bar representing all the computers in a policy can be split (by color) to show how much drift is attributable to each computer.


This setting lists the attributes you can represent on the Y-axis of your chart. If you can only select one value for the particular portlet type you are creating, this is a dropdown menu. If you can choose multiple types, this is a multi-select menu that allows you to move more than one item from the Available column to the Selected column or the other way around. You can add any metrics that are shown as available. For example, for a bar chart of unique files by global state, you could add Count to show the number of files in each state, and then add Prevalence to show how many computers have files of each type.

Show table below graph

When this check box is selected, it displays a list of table columns that are available for this portlet. Move those columns you want displayed into the Selected column. See Using Tables in Portlets for more details.


Table 2. Portlet Advanced Settings




Allows you to set a height in pixels for the portlet, or lets the dashboard size it for you (Auto). If you select a value other than Auto, you can interfere with proper display of the portlet.

Show X axis title/Show axis titles

When this check box is selected, the portlet includes the X-axis title (that is, the title shown in the X-axis box in Graph Details) on the portlet chart, or if X and Y axes are shown, titles for each.

X-axis labels

For values other than None, this setting adds labels to the data points on the chart (for example, the bars in a bar chart), in the location and orientation that you specify. If you select Auto, the dashboard specifies label positioning based on the best fit.


When any button except None is clicked, the portlet provides a legend describing the chart elements in the location that you specify. For example, if different colors are used for total systems versus connected systems, the legend identifies which is which.

Include tooltips

(Alternative to Legend) When this check box is available and selected, hovering the mouse cursor over a chart element displays a tooltip that describes what the element represents.

Show Data Point Values

When this check box is selected, the portlet displays the Y values (or their equivalent) on the portlet chart. For example, if a column represents three computers, the number 3 is displayed above the column.

Draw 3D

When this check box is selected, the portlet displays the chart with 3D effects.

Use logarithmic scale

When this check box is selected, the portlet changes the scale for displayed data from linear to logarithmic.