As the sections above have described, details pages provide a significant amount of information about objects cataloged in the Carbon Black App Control database, and one of the ways to get to details pages is to click on highlighted information in a table.

In some cases, you might want more than the name of a highlighted object but not all of the information provided by its details page. Object previews provide summary information for many highlighted objects without requiring that you navigate away from the current page.

To see an object preview, move the mouse cursor over a highlighted item without clicking. For example, this is what a File Instance preview looks like when you move the cursor over a file name in the Events page.

A File Instance preview from the Events page

The following items in a table have object previews (if they are highlighted):

  • Files in catalog
  • File Instances
  • Certificates
  • Computers
  • Devices
  • Publishers
  • Policies
  • Approval Requests