A device instance is identified by its serial number, vendor and name. The device instance view can be useful for information about the number of devices on your computers, and for approving or banning specific device instances.


  1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Devices. The Devices page appears.
  2. Click on the Devices by Serial Number tab.

    The table displays the device instances with unique serial numbers.

    The Devices by Serial Number tab

    See Table: Device Details (unique serial number) and Device Attachment Details for a description of the columns that can be displayed in this table.

    The Action menu on this tab acts on checked table rows. It includes the following commands:

    • Globally Approve
    • Globally Ban
    • Remove Approval or Ban
    • Acknowledge

    The approval and ban commands are described in Approving or Banning Device Instances. You can use the Acknowledge command to indicate that you have reviewed a particular device instance and perhaps taken any action you intend to take on its status. You can then sort or filter the table so that device models you have not yet acknowledged are more visible.