The table on the Rapid Config tab shows information about the purpose and status of each configuration. It also shows the fields that can be displayed in the Rapid Configs table. Most of these fields also appear on the Rapid Config Settings page, although in some cases they have a different name.

Table 1. Rapid Config Table Fields




( Rapid Config Name on the Details page)

The name of the Rapid Config.


The operational description of the Rapid Config (for example., the actions it takes).


The goal or outcome that the Rapid Config is intended to accomplish.


( Status on the Details page)

If the configuration is enabled or not.


(Table only)

Is the Rapid Config configured? Some Rapid Configs require configuration and some do not. You cannot enable a Rapid Config until all required fields are provided.

Auto Detection

This is an unused field that will be removed in a future release.


The operating system platform to which this configuration applies.

Modified By

(Table only)

The user that last modified the configuration; if the rule has not been changed, this will be System.


( Applies To on the Details page)

The policies for which the configuration has been configured and enabled.

CL Version

(Table only)

The configuration list version in which the current definition of this configuration is included.

Created By

(Table only)

The user who created the configuration; in most cases, this is System.

Date Created

The date and time when this configuration was created.

Date Modified

The date and time when this configuration was last modified.

Date Upgraded

The date and time when this configuration was last upgraded. Initially, this will be the same as the Date Created. If cloud-based automatic updates are enabled, the date and time will change when updates are provided.


The version of the configuration; this begins at 1 and increments as significant updates are provided (or made during development prior to shipment).