Software approval ensures that users of computers running the Carbon Black App Control Agent can freely install and run known-good applications regardless of Carbon Black App Control settings and Enforcement Level in effect. Approving files also can reduce time devoted to tracking files you are not concerned about.

Carbon Black App Control supports several complementary methods for approving software on computers:

  • When you need to pre-approve applications to run on all computers, you can designate trusted directories, publishers, or updaters to automatically generate approvals.
  • When you want to protect against advanced threats and would like to reduce the number of files you need to approve individually, you can enable automatic reputation approvals of files based on file or publisher trust in Carbon Black File Reputation.
  • You can approve an individual file by hash, either for all computers or by policy. In addition, you can create multiple individual file approvals by importing a list of file hashes you want to approve.
  • When you need to approve software for installation on selected individual computers, either designate trusted users (or groups) to perform installations, or choose one of Carbon Black App Control’s local approval methods.

See What is App Control Software Approval? for more details.