Carbon Black App Control supports three hash types: SHA-256, SHA-1, and MD5.

If you have a hash from some source other than Carbon Black App Control and want to search for it, you can search for that file on your computers on the Find Files page by choosing the hash type from the Filters menu and entering the hash into the filter field.

The SHA-1 filter in the Find Files menu

On some files, Carbon Black App Control performs special processing to create SHA-256 hashes that are identical for identical files. Because of this processing, searching by using externally created SHA-256 hashes is not recommended.

The best way to search by hash is to locate the file of interest in one of the Files tabs and then click on the Find File button next to the file. The console will run the Find File search without you typing or pasting the hash string.

The console shows a list of matching hashes as you type in digits. If there is only one item on the list, you can select it without entering the entire hash string.