In Control mode, Carbon Black App Control lets you ban specific files from executing on all computers, or on computers associated with specified policies.

You can ban files using the following methods:

  • File-name bans are platform-specific (Windows, Mac, Linux). For the named platform, they ban execution of named files on either all systems on running the Carbon Black App Control Agent or on all systems in policies you specify.
  • Hash bans prevent files matching a unique hash from executing regardless of the file name used. They are enforced for all platforms, either on all systems running the Carbon Black App Control Agent or on systems in policies you specify. You can ban more than one file in a single operation by importing a list of hashes.
  • Publisher bans prevent files identified as being from a specified publisher from executing. They are enforced either on all Windows systems running the Carbon Black App Control Agent or on systems in policies you specify.

See What are App Control Software Bans? in Approving and Banning Software for more details.