You can view and edit CPE application details. You can also view the number of CVE instances for an application.


  1. From the top menu, click Assets> Applications, and then click the CPE Applications tab.
  2. To view the details of a CPE application, click the View Details button on the left of the application.
  3. To find all instances of a CPE application and see the affected files, click the Find button on the left of the application. The File Catalog is displayed with filters applied to display the files that relate to that application.
  4. To find computers which have a specific CPE application, click the Find Computers button on the left of the application. The Computers page is displayed, and it is filtered for the computers which have the application.
  5. To view the CVE instances for an application, click on the number in the Total CVEs column for the application. The CVE Instances tab is displayed, and it is filtered for those CVEs.
    • To determine if your environment is affected by a CVE, on the CVE Instances tab, click on the CVE ID to view details about the CVE on the NIST website.
    • To find computers affected by a CVE, on the CVE Instances tab, click the Find Computers button on the left of the CVE instance. The Computers page is displayed with a filter applied to list only the computers affected by that CVE.
    Restriction: This CVE information is available for Windows Agents only.
  6. To hide the CPE application, click Yes for Hidden.
  7. In the details page, you can make or modify a CPE match using the Vendor, Name, or Version text boxes. The CPE items that display in the dropdown are filtered as you type.
  8. To remove a match, in the details page of the CPE application, click Remove match and then click Save.
  9. To assign a new match:
    1. In the details page of the CPE application, modify an item or items from the Match Vendor, Match Name, or Match Version fields.
    2. After the Match CPE Item list updates, select the new CPE item.
    3. Click Save.

What to do next

Optionally, to initiate synchronization and matching with the CPE library after you have saved your changes, on the CPE Applications tab of the Applications page, click Execute sync and matching now. A progress bar is displayed showing the progress of the synchronization.