If you plan to update the operating system on a Mac endpoint to a major release, the agent on that endpoint should be put into disabled mode before the OS update. This would be true, for example, for upgrading from macOS 10.13 to 10.14.

Also keep in mind that your current agent might not be supported on some versions of macOS. Before updating the OS, see the release notes and also Supported Carbon Black sensors and agents on the Release Information and Downloads page on VMware Docs to check current OS support information for your agent version.

Once the macOS update is completed, move the agent back into to its previous policy. It will begin to reinitialize its files.

To make sure other updates to macOS are allowed, be sure you are running at least version 9 (the current version for the 8.1.4 server) of the Mac Systems Updates updater (see the Software Rules > Updaters page).

Upgrading to Mojave with an Agent Installed

Updating from one major OS version to another with an agent in place requires disabling the agent during the upgrade. If you are upgrading to Mojave, take the following steps on each system:

Caution: For systems running existing agents prior to 7.2.3 Patch 11, do not upgrade to Mojave 10.14 before upgrading to a newer agent (preferably the latest agent but at least 7.2.3 Patch 11). Previous agents are not compatible with 10.14 Mojave.
  1. Complete the agent upgrade to the latest macOS agent (or at least 7.2.3 Patch 11).
  2. Place the agent in Disabled mode.
  3. Upgrade the operating system to 10.14 Mojave.
  4. Once the macOS update is completed, move the agent back into to its previous policy. It will begin to reinitialize its files.