The DASCLI find command finds a file object by file name or hash identifier and optional qualifiers.

Authentication is required to use this command.


dascli find {file_name | hash} [qualifiers]

Path and name of the file. Wildcards can be used. Filenames alone can be used. Partial paths and relative paths will fail.
Hash identifier for the file.
To restrict the result set, specify one or more qualifiers:
  • BannedGlobally, BannedHash, GloballyBanned, NameReportBanned
  • CertMeetsApprovalRequirements, CertDoesNotMeetApprovalRequirements
  • Crawlable, NotCrawlable
  • DepCompatible, DepIncompatible
  • Executed, NotExecuted
  • Initialized, NotInitialized
  • Local, Remote
  • LocalInstaller, ServerInstaller, ServerNotInstaller, Installer, NotInstaller
  • LocallyApproved, ApprovedGlobally
  • Metered
  • Signed, NotSigned
  • TrustedPublisher, UntrustedPublisher
  • Unapproved, Unapproved (Persisted)
  • Uninteresting

For example, the command dascli find *foo.exe Unapproved Installer shows all files ending in foo.exe which are both unapproved and marked as installers.


For each file identified, the following information is shown:
  • Hash information, whether SHA-256, MD5, or SHA-1.
  • Hash information, which applies to all local instances of the file.
  • Certificate details, if signed.
  • Name information, which is details on the individual named instance of the file.
  • Approval reasons, if any are available.
  • Kernel information for the state of the file as determined in the filter driver.
  • YARA classifications for the file.