The App Control Agent provides notifiers that are displayed when a rule blocks an action or prompts the user for a decision to allow or block an action.

For each memory rule, you can select from two sources for the notifier:

  • Use Policy Specific Notifier – Each policy includes an advanced setting, Enforce memory rules, which is always on. This policy setting has a Notifier field where you can specify the notifier that appears on agent computers when memory rules block an action.

    If you select the Use Policy Specific Notifier for a rule, it is possible that the policy specifies <none> as the Notifier for registry rules. In this case, a notifier does not show, even for a Prompt rule. Unless you are certain that you never want to prompt the user for a response to a rule, selecting <none> for the custom rule notifier in a policy is not recommended. See Advanced Settings for more information.

  • Custom Notifier – Instead of the policy-specific notifier, you can choose or create a custom notifier for a memory rule. The choices appear on a menu on the Add/Edit Memory Rule page. Custom Notifiers for Prompt rules must have a notifier. Custom Notifiers for Block rules allow you to choose <none> so that no notifier appears.

    When you choose Block as the rule action, you can choose <none> on the Custom Notifier menu since it is possible you want the rule to block actions without notification. A Prompt rule requires a user choice, so when you choose Prompt as the rule action, the Custom Notifier menu does not include <none>.

Note: If you are using Unified Management and create a memory rule that applies to more than one server, client servers use default notifiers, even if a custom notifier is specified on the management server.

For information on memory rule notifier settings, see Table: Memory Rule Fields.

For details on notifiers, see Endpoint Notifiers and Approval Requests.