Use this procedure to convert a computer into a template.


This procedure requires that the computer be shutdown and the console displays it as offline. In addition, do not bring a computer back online after it is converted to a template. If these requirements cannot be met, use the alternate procedure, Prepare a Template.


  1. On the computer you plan to use as a template, install the platform, application, and other files you want in the template image.
  2. On the computer, install (or upgrade to) a supported App Control Agent.
  3. After App Control Agent installation, make sure the computer is connected to the App Control Server and let it fully initialize. You can monitor initialization progress by choosing Assets > Computers on the console menu and clicking on the View Details button next to the name of the computer. Initialization progress is on the Connection History tab of the Computer Details page.
    The initialization field showing the progress on the Connection History tab
  4. When initialization shows as Complete, also make sure that Synchronization is at 100%. Files added to the template computer after the App Control Agent is installed will be included in synchronization, not initialization. Ensure that both initialization and synchronization are completed before proceeding to the next steps.
    The synchronization field showing the percentage complete on the Connection History tab
  5. Shut down the computer.
  6. Go to the Computer Details page for the computer, and in the right pane, click Convert to Template on the Advanced menu. The Computer Details page changes to a Template Details page.
  7. By default, the Template Name is the name of the computer from which the template was created, but you can change it, add a description, and change the cleanup and inventory parameters on the Template Settings tab (see Deleting Clones and Configuring Clone Inventory for details).
  8. When you are satisfied with the configuration on the Template Details page, click Save. The computer now appears in the Computers table as a template.
    Note: Except for specific tasks described later in this chapter, do not bring a computer back online after it is converted to a template. If you bring a template computer back online, it will appear as a clone of itself.
  9. Create clones from the computer using your virtualization software. They will appear as new computers in the console.