If a client server is disconnected, its panel on the Unified Management configuration shows one of two indications.

Three panels showing a connected server, a disconnected server, and a server unreachable due to error

  • Disconnected (gray) – If the server was intentionally disconnected using the Temporary Disconnect button, the panel has a gray background.
  • Error (red) – If a server has not been intentionally disconnected, but cannot be contacted when the configuration page loads, its panel shows a red background to indicate an error. If the error type can be identified, an error code displays. You can do the following to search for the cause of the error:
    • On the Events page, use the Unified Events Saved View.

    • In the error log, look for errors involving the client server or Unified Management. The error log is at ServerInstallDir>\Parity Console\WebUI\Logs\php_errors.log.