Copying a dashboard can be useful under a number of circumstances, including:

  • To make your own copy of a shared dashboard that someone else created.
  • To add or remove portlets, or otherwise edit the dashboard.


  1. Open the Edit Dashboard page for a copied dashboard using one of the following methods:
    • On the console menu, click Reports and then click Dashboards. On the Dashboards page, click the Copy The Copy Dashboard List icon button next to the dashboard to copy.

      - or -

    • On the dashboard to copy, click the Copy Dashboard The Copy Dashboard icon button.
  2. The Edit Dashboard page opens, showing all of the parameters as the dashboard you copied, except for the name, which appears in the form Copy of <name-of-source-dashboard>. Replace the default name with the name to use for the dashboard.
  3. Optionally modify dashboard parameters. For details, see Create a Dashboard.
  4. Delete any portlets you do not want on this dashboard by deselecting the check box to the left of the portlet name.
    Caution: Do not click the Delete link to the right of the portlet name – this action deletes the portlet from the Carbon Black App Control Server entirely, not just from the current dashboard.
  5. Add portlets by selecting the check box to the left of their names. To create a new portlet, see Creating and Customizing Portlets.
  6. Click Save.


The copied dashboard displays on the Dashboards page.