The Devices Details page shows the information about one unique device (with a unique serial number).

The Device Details page includes an Actions menu and a Related Views menu.

The Actions menu includes commands for approving and banning this device, and for removing approvals or bans. The commands that appear depend on the current state of the device. See Approving or Banning Device Instances for more information about using these commands.

The Device details page with the Related Views menu

The Related Views menu provides links to the following information:

  • Model details – Goes to the Device Model Details page for this device, which shows both information about the model itself and the default rule definitions for the model.
  • All computers with this device – Filters the Devices on Computers table to show all computers to which this device instance has been attached.
  • All events for this device – Goes to the Events page and filters it to show all events related to this device instance (by serial number), including its initial discovery and the dates and times it has been attached or detached from a computer.
Table 1. Device Details (unique serial number) and Device Attachment Details




The brand of the device (e.g.,” SanDisk”). If the device does not have detectable vendor information, this field might show something like “USB DISK” or “Flash”.


The name of the device model, which might be a trade name (e.g., “Jumpdrive Pro”) or a model number (e.g., “c30w”). If the device does not have detectable model name, this field might show something like “USB Storage Device” or “Unnamed Product”.


Mainly a description of the interface for the device. The choices are IDE Device, SATA Device, SCSI Device, USB Device, FireWire (IEEE 1394) Device, Serial Bus Protocol 2, Floppy Disk, and Unknown.

Removable Device

Whether the device is removable or not removable. Values are Yes or No. Note that some devices might not provide accurate information for this field.

Friendly Name

The common name for this device, for example, as you would see it in Windows Explorer or Mac Finder when the device is connected. This is often some combination or variant of the Vendor and Name.

PLATFORM NOTE: MacOS relies on the Disk Arbitration Framework to deliver the friendly name. This uses partition block rather than device information, and may yield a different friendly name on MacOS than the same device shows in Windows.

Serial Number

The serial number that identifies this unique individual device.

Default State

The default state for this device (which is the state for its model). The choices are Approved, Banned, and Unapproved. Note that this specific instance might have a state that differs from the default.

Device State

The actual state for this individual device (as identified by serial number). The choices are Approved, Banned, and Unapproved.


For Device Details, the platform (Windows or Mac) of the computer on which the device was first detected.

For Device Attachment Details, the platform (Windows or Mac) of the computer for this attachment.

PLATFORM NOTE: Device management is not currently available for Linux.

Computer Count

The number of different computers to which this individual device has been connected.

Fields on the Device Details page only

First Seen Computer

On the Device Details page, the computer on which this individual device was first detected by an App Control Agent.

First Seen Date

On the Device Details page, the date and time when this individual device was first detected by an App Control Agent.

Fields on the Device Attachment Details page only

Current Status

On the Device Attachment Details page, whether the device and computer that define this attachment are currently Attached or Detached.

Device attachment status for computers disconnected from the App Control Server is the last known status when the computer was connected.

First Attach Date

On the Device Attachment Details page, the date and time when the device and computer were first attached.

Last Attach Date

On the Device Attachment Details page, the date and time when the device and computer were last attached.

Last Detach Date

On the Device Attachment Details page, the date and time when the device was last detached from the computer.