Each alert is assigned a Priority, which can be High, Medium, or Low. Alert priority determines the icon shape and color used to represent an alert in the console banner and dashboard, and the color of the rows for triggered alerts on the Alerts page.

Table 1. Alert Priorities

Alert Priority


Row Color


The red high priority alert icon or The reverse red high priority alert icon



The orange medium priority alert icon or The reverse orange medium priority alert icon



The yellow low priority alert icon or The reverse yellow low priority alert icon


In addition to providing a visual cue that one alert is more important than another, alert priorities allow grouping on the Alerts page, making it easier to give attention to the most important alerts first. When you select Priority on the Group by menu, alerts are sorted first by Priority and then by Date Triggered, in descending order.

System alerts have predefined priority levels that cannot be changed:

  • Database Limit Alert – High
  • Database Verification Alert – High
  • Carbon Black File Reputation Unavailable Alert – High

For other alerts, you can change priority using the Action menu on the Alerts table page or the Priority menu on the Add or Edit Alert page.