This topic describes the parameters for each trusted communication certificate.

Table 1. Trusted Communications Certificate Details
Field or Button Description
Subject Name Distinguished name of the subject of the certificate; in this case the signer of the file.

Designates if certificate is automatically trusted by agents. Options are:

  • Yes: agents automatically trust the certificate
  • No: agents do not trust the certificate
Thumbprint SHA1 hash value of this certificate.
Description An editable field in which console users can add or modify a comment about this certificate.
Serial Number A field in the certificate containing a number from its issuing certificate authority that is unique among certificates.
Signature Algorithm Algorithm used to create the certificate’s signature. Typical values: MD2RSA, MD5RSA, SHA1RSA, SHA256RSA.
Valid From Date from which this Certificate is valid. Format is MMM DD YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM (UTC).

Valid To

Date to which this Certificate is valid. Format is MMM DD YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM (UTC).

Public Key Algorithm

Algorithm used to produce the public key.

Public Key Size

Size of the public key for this certificate.

Date Created

The date and time this certificate was first seen in your Carbon Black App Control environment.

Last Modified By

The console user who made the most recent change to certificate state.

Date Last Modified The date and time when the most recent change to certificate state was made.