You can enable uploading of files for analysis from Carbon Black App Control-managed systems to either the Palo Alto Networks WildFire public cloud or a locally installed WildFire private cloud device. In either case, the file is analyzed and the analysis results are sent back to the Carbon Black App Control Console.

When the WildFire integration is complete, new menu choices appear on Carbon Black App Control Console pages that show tables of files or file details. The Analyze with Palo Alto Networks WildFire commands allow uploading of files to the WildFire cloud. See Analysis of Suspicious Files on Endpoints for full details on how to upload files to the WildFire cloud and how to view the results of WildFire analysis.

Note: You can connect an Carbon Black App Control Server to one or more WildFire private cloud appliances or to the WildFire public cloud, but you cannot mix private and public cloud analysis.