You can take several actions on the applications listed in the CPE Applications table.

Hide CPE Application

To hide a CPE application, perform the following procedure.


  1. From the top menu, click Assets> Applications.
  2. Click the CPE Applications tab.
  3. Select the items in the table to hide and click Hide Application in the Action menu.

Unhide CPE Application

To unhide a CPE application, perform the following procedure.

  • To ensure hidden items display in the table list, select Show Hidden CPE Applications.
  • To display a list of all hidden items, click Hidden in the Group By list.


  1. From the top menu, click Assets> Applications.
  2. Click the CPE Applications tab.
  3. Select the items in the table to unhide and click Unhide Application in the Action menu.

Remove CPE Dictionary Match

To remove a CPE dictionary match, perform the following procedure.


  1. From the top menu, click Assets> Applications.
  2. Click the CPE Applications tab.
  3. Select the items in the table to unmatch from the CPE dictionary, and click Remove CPE dictionary match in the Action menu.
  4. When prompted to remove the dictionary match, click OK.