Follow these guidelines for installing or upgrading platform software for the App Control Server:

  1. Ensure that the server is a dedicated, trusted computer that uses the NTFS file system, not FAT or FAT32.
  2. If you are repurposing another computer to use as the App Control Server, reformat the disk. During reformatting, select NTFS (the default file system).
    • Commercial servers commonly bundle vendor-specific server-management utilities with Windows Server. If you install the App Control Server on a server platform that is bundled with such utilities, there might be unexpected interactions between them.

    • If you intend to use any server-hardening procedures on this server, contact Carbon Black Support to confirm that the App Control Server will run in the environment you create.

    • Apply server-hardening procedures before installing the App Control Server.

  3. If the operating system is not preinstalled, follow the standard Microsoft instructions for installing it. Be sure you are using the US English version. Carbon Black recommends that you select the default installation options.
  4. If you have a network domain and you want to use the App Control Server’s Active Directory integration, add the server to the domain.
  5. Install Internet Information Services (IIS) — you may need the Windows Server media. See Web Server Configuration for the required IIS configuration.

    Once IIS is installed, you cannot change the server name and still have IIS function correctly. If you need to change the server name for any reason, contact Carbon Black Support.

  6. If you currently have an earlier version of Windows than those listed in the App Control Operating Environment Requirements document for this release, upgrade to the required version and service pack.
  7. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 on the App Control Server. If necessary, go to and choose the latest version for download.
  8. Download and install any current patches for each element of the platform software.
  9. If you are running AppLocker on the system where the App Control Server will be installed, either temporarily disable AppLocker or be sure it uses only default rules. If AppLocker is configured with customer-specific rules, the server installation could fail. An AppLocker-related installation failure is reported as an “unknown error,” and install logs (or debug view) show that installer was not able to expand its own installer files in the temp folder and wasn't able to execute the "unzip.exe" utility.