This table lists all Server Management events and their unique subtypes specific to this release of App Control.

Note: New or changed events are identified with ** (double-asterisk) in the left column. This allows a search to quickly identify only the new or changed events.
Table 1. Server Management Events and Subtypes
Subtype ID No. Severity Example Descriptions/Comments
AD lookups are slow 114 Warning Active Directory Lookups are slow. Average lookup took $param1$ ms. Please review your AD configuration.
Agent install package generation disabled 214 Error Agent install package generation is disabled for all operating systems. To enable agent generation, please download rules and host packages from the Carbon Black User eXchange at
Agent install package generation failed 231 Error $platform$ agent install packages failed to generate for policy ‘$policy$’
Agent install package generation succeeded 213 Info $platform$ agent install packages have been successfully generated.
Agent SSL error 126 Warning

SSL certificate error was detected when talking with host at IP '$ipAddress$'. This event can be falsely triggered by unreliable network connections.

Change Notes: Subtype was “Agent certificate expired” in some previous versions.

Agent trust cert file created 207 Info Agent trust cert file created.
Agent trust cert file failed to be created 208 Info Could not create agent trust cert file: $param1$.
Archived communication key use 235 Info Archived communication key used from computer $param1$.
Carbon Black File Reputation connection lost 138 Warning

Carbon Black File Reputation connection lost: $reason$

Carbon Black File Reputation connection restored 139 Notice

Carbon Black File Reputation connection restored

Carbon Black File Reputation proxy cleared 141 Info

Proxy disabled. Using direct connection to Carbon Black File Reputation.

Carbon Black File Reputation proxy set 140 Info

Using proxy '$param1$' for connection to Carbon Black File Reputation.

Communication error 136 Error SOAP error on computer $computer$ ($ipaddress$) in $param1$.
Communication key created 205 Info Communication key created.
Communication key failed to be created 206 Info Could not create communication key: $param1$.
Connector restart 178 Warning Connector started, build information: $param1$
Connector shutdown 179 Notice Connector shutdown cleanly.
Database error 135 Error Unknown error initializing database pool.
Database server reached specified limit 106 Critical Database data file size limit reached. Total data file size is $param1$ MB.
Database verification error 108 Error

Carbon Black App Control Server database is corrupt: $param1$.

Default rules not found 230 Error Failed to generate agent install packages because the default rules do not exist. To enable agent generation, please download rules from the Carbon Black User eXchange at
Disabled communication key use 234 Info Disabled communication key used from computer $param1$.
Enabled Indicator Set deleted 169 Info

Indicator Set $setName$ was deleted by '$username$'

Note: Occurs only when the Indicator Set was enabled at the time of deletion. There is a different Indicator Set deleted event for the general case.

Enabled updater deleted 148 Info

Enabled Updater $updaterName$ was deleted by '$username$'

Note: Occurs only when the Updater was enabled at the time of deletion.

File analysis canceled 158 Info User '$username$' canceled analysis of file '$filename$' [$hash$] with '$provider$'.
File analysis completed 161



File '$filename$' [$hash$] was successfully analyzed with '$provider$'. Nothing suspicious was found.

File '$filename$' [$hash$] was successfully analyzed with '$provider$'. It was reported as malicious.

File analysis error 160 Error Analysis of file '$filename$' [$hash$] with '$provider$' failed because of error '$param1$'.
File analysis modified 176 Info 'User ''$username$'' modified priority of analysis of file [$hash$].
File analysis requested 157 Info

User '$username$' requested analysis of file [$hash$] with '$provider$'.

Analysis of file [$hash$] with '$provider$' was requested by Event Rule '$ruleName$'.

File downloaded 196 Info File '$filename$' [$hash$] downloaded by '$username$' from server
File inventory deleted 187 Notice

Deleted $param1 inventory files that were excluded per configuration

Note: Param1 is the number of files deleted.

File tracking disabled 109 Warning File tracking has been automatically disabled because database data file size limit has been reached.
File upload modified 177 Info User ‘$username$' modified priority of upload of file [$hash$] from computer '$computer$'
Health Indicator changed 183 Info

The System has changed Health Indicator ‘$Param1$’ on tab ‘$Param2$’ on the System Health page.

Notes: Param1 is the name of the Health Indicator. Param2 is the tab on which it appears.

Health Indicator created 182 Info

A new Health Indicator ‘$Param1$’ was created by $username$ on the ‘$Param2$’ tab of the System Health page.

Note: Param1 is the name of the Health Indicator. Param2 is the tab on which it appears.

Health Indicator deleted 184 Info

The system has removed Health Indicator ‘$Param1$’ from tab ‘$Param2$’ on the System Health Page.

Note: Param1 is the name of the Health Indicator. Param2 is the tab where it previously appeared.

Health Indicator severity change 181 Warning/Info

For existing Health Indicators:

Health Indicator $Param1$ has changed from severity $Param2$ to severity $Param3$.

Health Indicator $Param1$ has gone to severity Param3$ Check the Health Indicator for more details. (Appears when indicator stops showing healthy state)

Health Indicator $Param1$ has increased in severity from $Param2$ to $Param3$. Check the Health Indicator for more details. (Appears when indicator moves from borderline to critical)

Health Indicator $Param1$ has decreased in severity from Param2$ to Param3$. (Appears when indicator moves from critical to borderline)

Health Indicator $Param1$ is now healthy. (Appears when indicator moves to healthy state)

For newly created Health Indicators:

Newly created Health Indicator $Param1$ is healthy.

Newly created Health Indicator $Param1$ has severity $Param3$. Check the Health Indicator for more details.

Host package not found (Linux) 217 Error Failed to generate agent install packages for Linux because the host package does not exist. To enable agent generation, please download host packages from the Carbon Black User eXchange at
Host package not found (Mac) 216 Error Failed to generate agent install packages for Mac because the host package does not exist. To enable agent generation, please download host packages from the Carbon Black User eXchange at
Host package not found (Windows) 215 Error Failed to generate agent install packages for Windows because the host package does not exist. To enable agent generation, please download host packages from the Carbon Black User eXchange at:
Indicator Set created 163 Info Indicator Set '$setName$' was created by '$username$'.
Indicator Set deleted 164 Info

Indicator Set '$setName$' was deleted by '$username$'

Note: There is a separate Enabled Indicator Set deleted event for Updaters deleted while enabled.

Indicator Set disabled 167 Info Indicator Set '$setName$' was disabled by '$username$'
Indicator Set enabled 166 Info Indicator Set '$setName$' was enabled by '$username$'
Indicator Set exception created 172 Info Indicator Set Exception '$setName$' created by '$username$'
Indicator Set exception deleted 174 Info Indicator Set Exception '$param1$' deleted by '$username$'
Indicator Set exception modified 173 Info Indicator Set Exception '$param1$' modified by '$username$'
Indicator Set modified 168 Info Indicator Set '$param1$' was modified by '$username$'
Indicator Set updated 165 Info Indicator Set '$param1$' was updated by '$username$'
Install failed 212 Error

"$param1$ install failed. $param2$"

Note: $param1$ is the installation file for the agent host package or default rules file and $param2$ is the reason for the failure, such as failed signature verification.

Install succeeded 211 Info

$param1$ install successful

Note: $param1$ specifies a host package platform and version or a default rules version.

License added 115 Notice

User '$username$' has successfully added new Carbon Black App Control license.

License error 116 Error

User '$username$' attempted to add Carbon Black App Control license. ($param1$)

License warning 117 Warning

Your Carbon Black App Control Suite license will expire in $param1$ day(s) on $date$.

Network Connector 162 Info

New network connector '$product$', version '$param2$' was registered.

Network connector ‘$product$’, version ‘$param2$’ was removed.

Network connector ‘$product$’, version ‘$param2$’ was removed and its data was deleted.

User ‘$username$’ has modified configuration of network connector '$product$'.

User ‘$user$’ has modified UI configuration of network connector ‘$param1$’.

User ‘$username$’ has enabled network connector ‘$product$’.

User ‘$username$’ has disabled network connector ‘$product$’.

User ‘$username$’ has enabled file analysis for network connector ‘$product$’.

User ‘$username$’ has disabled file analysis for network connector ‘$product$’.

User ‘$username$’ has set param '$param2$' to '$param3$' for network connector '$product$'.

User ‘$username$’ has enabled file analysis mode ‘$param1$’ for network connector ‘$product$’.

Network Connector added 185 Notice User ‘$user$’ has registered new network connector ‘$param1$', version ‘$param2$’
Network Connector removed 186 Notice User ‘$user$’ has removed network connector ‘$param1$', version ‘$param2$’
Notifier install failed 156 Error Upgrade Error: Notifier for Policy '$policyName$', Setting '$policySetting$' was reset to default during upgrade.
Old events were deleted 107 Notice Deleting $param1$ events older than $param2$.
Rapid Config created 188 Info Rapid Config '$param1$' was created by '$username$'.
Rapid Config deleted 189 Info Rapid Config '$param1$' was deleted by '$username$'.
Rapid Config disabled 193 Info Rapid Config '$param1$' was disabled by '$username$'.
Rapid Config enabled 192 Info Rapid Config '$param1$' was enabled by '$username$'.
Rapid Config modified 190 Info Rapid Config '$param1$' was modified by '$username$'.
Rapid Config updated 191 Info Rapid Config '$param1$' was updated by '$username$'.
Reporter restart 151 Warning Reporter started, build information: $param1$.
Reporter shutdown 152 Notice Reporter shutdown cleanly.
Server backup failed 104 Warning Database backup has failed.
Server backup missed 105 Warning Scheduled database backup was not performed.
Server backup started 103 Info Database backup has been enabled, starting backup service.
Server backup stopped 110 Notice Backup has been disabled, stopping backup service.
Server Config List error 113 Error

Data is bad for config list entry. Id[$param1$], Version[$param2$], Data[$param3$].

Server config modified 102 Notice

Configuration property '$param1$' was changed from '$param3$' to '$param2$' by '$username$'.

Tracking of locally approved support files signed by Microsoft was disabled/enabled by '$username$'

Server error 142



There are too many descriptions to list for this subtype since it handles many different types of errors. Examples include:

Carbon Black File Reputation - error logged and service resuming operation.

The remote server returned an unexpected response: (413) Request Entity Too Large.

Server performance 175 Warning

Event filter for alert '$alertName$' is not performing well. Execution took $param2$ ms while processing $param3$ events. Please review associated alert filter.

Event Rule '$ruleName1$' is not performing well. Execution took $param2$ ms while processing $param3$ events. Please review associated Event Rule filter.

Server restart 101 Notice

Carbon Black App Control Server started, build information: $param1$.

Server shutdown 100 Warning

Carbon Black App Control Server shutdown cleanly.

Server upgrade failed 112 Error

Failed to upgrade Carbon Black App Control Server to $param1$.

Server upgrade info 195 Info

Upgrade Information for server Carbon Black App Control Server : Default Rules order was modified by customer.

Server upgrade succeeded 111 Info

Successfully upgraded Carbon Black App Control Server to version $param1$.

SSL certificate CN mismatch 128 Critical Common Name mismatch between SSL certificate ($param1$) and RPC Server Name ($param2$).
SSL certificate error 127 Critical Server was not able to use default SSL certificate. Communication with agents is disabled.
SSL certificate expired 125 Critical Server SSL certificate has expired on $param1$. Agents will not be able to connect if SSL protocol is enabled.
SSL certificate expiring 124 Critical Server SSL certificate will expire on $param1$.
SSL certificate generated 118 Notice

User '$username$' has successfully generated a new SSL certificate for Carbon Black App Control Server: $param1$

SSL certificate generation failed 119 Warning

User '$username$' has failed to generate a new SSL certificate for Carbon Black App Control Server. Error: $param1$

SSL certificate import failed 121 Warning

User '$username$' has failed to import new SSL certificate for Carbon Black App Control Server. Error: $param1$

SSL certificate imported 120 Notice

User '$username$' has successfully imported a new SSL certificate for Carbon Black App Control Server: $param1$

Strong SSL communications disabled 123 Warning User '$username$' has disabled strong SSL communications. Agents using strong SSL will not be able to talk to server anymore. Contact Carbon Black Support for remediation.
Strong SSL communications enabled 122 Notice User '$username$' has enabled strong SSL communications. Server cannot be spoofed.
System error 137 Error Reports a variety of descriptions for command line usage errors in rarely used debugging activities.
Unified server added 280 Info Unified server '$param1$' added to local configuration by ‘$username$’.
Unified server error 283 Critical

Unified server '$param1$' inaccessible.

Unified server '$param1$' inaccessible due to an issue with the SSL certificate.

Unified server '$param1$' inaccessible due to an authentication issue.

Unified server modified 282 Info

Unified server '$param1$' modified by ‘$username$’.

Unified Management disabled on local server by '$username$'.

Unified Management configured to be managed only from this server by '$username$'.

Unified Management configured to be managed from all servers by '$username$'.

This server was added to remote unified management configuration by '$username$'.

Unified server removed 281 Info Unified server '$param1$' removed from local configuration by ‘$username$’.
Updater created 145 Info Updater ‘$updaterName$’ was created by '$username$'
Updater deleted 146 Info

Updater ‘$updaterName$’ was deleted by '$username$'

Note: There is a separate Enabled Updater deleted event for Updaters deleted while enabled.

Updater modified 147 Info

Updater ‘$updaterName$’ was modified by '$username$'.

Enabled Updater ‘$updaterName$’ was deleted by '$username$'.

Updaters Indicator Set disabled 171 Info '$username$' disabled automatic update of Indicator Sets from Carbon Black File Reputation
Updaters Indicator Set enabled 170 Info '$username$' enabled automatic update of Indicator Sets from Carbon Black File Reputation
Updaters update disabled 150 Info

'$username$' disabled automatic update of Application Updaters from Carbon Black File Reputation

Updaters update enabled 149 Info

'$username$' enabled automatic update of Application Updaters from Carbon Black File Reputation

Yara Rules Added 197 Info A new set of Yara Rules were added: $param1$ Version: $param2$.
Yara Rules Modified 198 Info Yara Rules were modified: $param1$ OldVersion: $param2$.