Alerts can notify you of system health issues. These notifications appear in the console and (if enabled) are emailed to subscribers.

See Using App Control Alerts for full details on alerts. Alerts can notify you of system health issues:

  • System Health Backlog Alert – This built-in alert is triggered when the server has an excessively large backlog of unprocessed file operation messages from agents, and so cannot report the latest file states for all agents. File operations include all operations that can happen on a file of interest, such as adding the file, editing it, deleting it, or copying it.
  • System Health Environment Alert – This built-in indicator is triggered when certain conditions in your App Control environment are reaching their limits. For example, it is triggered if one or more of the server's pathnames and filenames tables approach or exceed their size limit.
  • System Health Infrastructure Configuration Alert – This built-in alert is triggered when any factors reported on the Infrastructure Configuration tab of the System Health page are out of compliance. It is permanently enabled, but it cannot be triggered if Health Indicators are not enabled.
  • System Health OER Alert – This built-in alert is triggered when the environment for the server is out of compliance with certain specifications in VMware Carbon Black App Control Operating Environment Requirements. It is permanently enabled, although it cannot be triggered if Health Indicators are not enabled.
  • System Health Product Configuration Alert – This built-in alert is triggered when your Carbon Black App Control Server is not running the latest version.
  • System Health Rules Alert – This built-in alert is triggered when any rules on your server are ineffective. This includes rules you can correct through the console as well as rules that require the assistance of VMware Carbon Black support for correction.
Note: System Health alerts only appear and can only be triggered if System Health Indicators are enabled on the Advanced tab of the System Configuration page, and the related indicator has been downloaded to the server. If present, they are always enabled.