You can access the following Carbon Black App Control objects through the Carbon Black App Control API (see the full documentation for the actual object name in the API and to see which are read only).

  • Approval Requests and Justifications – Access the work flow for approval requests and justifications created when users respond to a notifier.
  • Certificates – Access publisher certificates found on endpoints and their state.
  • Computers – Access computer-related properties for Carbon Black App Control Agents, change policies, upgrade agents, convert a computer to a VDI template, change debugging properties, take other advanced actions.
  • Connectors – Access the configuration for network security connectors integrated with Carbon Black App Control.
  • Events – Access events recorded by Carbon Black App Control.
  • Files Analysis – Access files sent to network connectors for analysis; request or cancel analysis of a file.
  • File Catalog – Access the record of all unique files found by agents, including metadata related to the files.
  • File Instances – Access the live file inventory (Files on Computers) for files on all agent-managed systems; locally approve files.
  • Deleted File Instances – Access the inventory of deleted files on all agent-managed systems.
  • File Instance Groups – Access the record of file groups in the Files on Computers inventory.
  • File Rules – Access rules related to unique files; create and edit Approvals and Bans.
  • Files Uploaded from Agents – Access the record of files uploaded from agents to the Carbon Black App Control Server; request or cancel uploads.
  • Metered Executions – Access the record of file executions tracked by a Meter.
  • Notifications – Push notifications from a network connector (services and appliances) to the Carbon Black App Control Server.
  • Notifier – Access notifiers that are used when a file action is blocked because of a rule.
  • Pending Analysis – Access all pending analysis requests for a given external connector.
  • Policy – Access policy information.
  • Publisher – Access publisher information; change publisher state (Banning or Approving).
  • Server Configuration – Access configuration properties for the server.
  • Server Performance – Access server performance statistics.
  • Updaters – Access updater information; enable or disable updaters.