Application data is shown in tables only. Applications do not have separate details pages in Carbon Black App Control.

You can add columns with additional information using the Show Columns link on the Applications page. For example, you might want to include the Upgrade URL for each application in the table. Not all fields will contain information for all applications.

View Application Data

To view the Applications page, perform the following procedure.


  1. On the console menu, click Assets > Applications.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To view the table of unique applications, click the Application Catalog tab.
    • To view all application instances, click Applications on Computers.
    • To view CPE applications, click CPE Applications.

      The Applications page showing the Application Catalog

  3. To list all computers that have an application, in the Application Catalog, click the Find button The find icon on the left side of the row for the application.

Application Data Page Fields

This section describes fields on the Application page.

Table 1. Applications Page Fields



Fields on Both Tabs

About URL

The URL for the about box of the application, which can show information such as the general purpose, copyright, and version of the application; from the registry or installer metadata.


Comments about the application; from the registry or installer metadata.

License Owner

The company name entered by the user who installed the application; from the registry or installer metadata. Usually empty.


Contact information for the application; from registry data or installer metadata.

Date Created

On the Applications on Computers tab, the date that an instance of the application was first discovered by the agent on its computer. In the Application Catalog, the discovery date of the first seen instance of the application.

Date Modified

On the Applications on Computers tab, the date of the most recent modification of one instance of the application. In the Application Catalog, the date of the most recent modification of this application reported by any agent.

Help Telephone Number

The phone number for support or help for this application; from registry data or installer metadata.

Help URL

The URL for application help; from registry data or installer metadata.


The application name; from registry data or installer metadata.

Package Code

The application package code; from registry data or installer metadata.

Product Code

The application product code; from registry data or installer metadata.


The application publisher; from registry data or installer metadata.

The publisher identified in the Manufacturer field is not necessarily the same as the publisher identified on the console Publishers and Certificates pages, which is drawn from certificate metadata, not installer metadata.


The readme information about the application; from registry data or installer metadata.

Upgrade Code

The upgrade code for this application; from registry data or installer metadata.

Upgrade URL

The URL for application upgrade downloads; from registry data or installer metadata.


The four-part decimal version number of this product; from registry data or installer metadata.

Version Number

The hexadecimal version number of this application; from registry data or installer metadata.

Windows Installer

Whether this is a Windows Installer (Yes/No).

Fields on the Application Catalog Tab

Computer Count

The number of computers reporting to this server that have this application.

First Seen Computer

The name of the computer on which the application was first seen and reported to the current Carbon Black App Control Server. Click this name to get the Computer Details page for this computer.

If you later delete the first-seen computer from the system, it appears with (Deleted) appended to its name and no link.

Rapid Config

The name of any Carbon Black App Control Rapid Configs that applies to this application.

Fields on the Applications on Computers Tab

Catalog ID

A locally unique numeric identifier for each application in the catalog on your Carbon Black App Control Server. Begins with 1 and increments by 1.


The computer reporting to this Carbon Black App Control Server on which an instance of the application was installed.

Estimated Disk Usage

The estimated amount of disk space used by an instance of the application, based on information from the registry. Applications that add content after the installation has completed use more space than this number indicates.

Estimated Install Date

The estimated date the application was installed on this computer in the format provided by the software vendor. This is an estimate because the time zone and format of this date vary from vendor to vendor.

Install Directory

The directory in which the application was installed on this computer. This is either a path or Default.

Default displays if an application did not record an InstallLocation in the registry when it was installed. If an application did specify an installation directory in the registry, that directory displays in this field even if it is the same as the default.


The name and path of the file used to install the application. This field has data for MSI installers only.


The operating system platform this application can run on.


The Carbon Black App Control policy of the computer on which this application is installed.

Repair Command Line

The command line for repairing the application; from registry data or installer metadata.


The directory in which the installer that was first used to install the application that was run from on each agent computer. This is often a temporary folder.

Depending on the application, the Windows installer might reference the source file for repair installations, installation or removal of application components, upgrades, or for uninstalling the application.

Uninstall Command Line

The command line for uninstalling the application; from registry data or installer metadata.

Uninstall Key

The registry key for uninstalling the application; from registry data or installer metadata.


The users for whom this application was installed. This will either by All-Users or specific users; from the registry.