The previous sections provided details of the main views of file information in the console. The following table summarizes how to drill down to particular views.

Table 1. File Views and File Details in the Carbon Black App Control Console

To view... this

A table of all unique top-level files (files not installed by another file) discovered on computers managed by your Carbon Black App Control Server.

Click Assets > Files, click the File Catalog tab, and make sure the Show individual files check box is not selected.

  • Top-level files are files that do not have an associated installer, or whose installer is unknown.
  • If a top-level file is an installer, its name shows as a highlighted link to its associated files.

A table of all unique individual files discovered on computers managed by your Carbon Black App Control Server.

Click the File Catalog tab and select the Show individual files check box.

  • This view shows files installed by other files and top-level files.
  • Names of known installers are highlighted.
Caution: There can be millions of unique files discovered by the Carbon Black App Control Server, and this view can cause performance issues.

The global file details for one unique file.

Click the File Catalog tab, and click the View Details button next to the file.

A table of all files on all computers managed by your Carbon Black App Control Server that are associated with (usually installed by) one top-level file.

Click the File Catalog tab, make sure the Show individual files check box is not selected, then click the name of the file for which you want a list of associated files.

  • This is an aggregate list of associated files, not based on installations seen on one particular computer.
  • For details on any file in the table, click the View Details button next to it.

A table of all top-level file instances (not installed by another file) on all computers managed by your Carbon Black App Control Server.

Click the Files on Computers tab and make sure the Show individual files check box is not selected.

  • Top-level files are files that do not have an associated installer, or whose installer is unknown. If a top-level file is an installer, its name shows as a highlighted link to its associated files.
  • This table view also includes an entry named <Initialization> files for each agent, which is a grouping of the files found on the computer at the time the agent was installed.

A table of all file instances found on one computer at initialization, which occurs either when the agent is initially installed or when a disabled agent is re-enabled.

Click the Files on Computers tab and make sure the Show individual files check box is not selected. Then click <Initialized files> in the row that contains the name of the computer you are interested in.

A table of all individual file instances on all computers managed by your Carbon Black App Control Server.

Click the Files on Computers tab and select the Show individual files check box.



  • This view shows both top-level and individual files that were installed by them on an agent-managed computer.
  • Top-level files that have been analyzed by the agent to determine their contents show as highlighted links.

Avoid selecting the Show individual files check box unnecessarily, especially if you have a large number of agent-managed computers. The number of individual files can number in the tens or hundreds of millions. Attempting to load a list of this many files can cause the Carbon Black App Control Server to time out.

The details for one file instance on one computer.

Click the Files on Computers tab and click the View Details button next to the file instances.

  • This action opens the File Instance Details page.
  • Shows both local state and other information about this instance and global details for the file.
  • Top-level files can still display in Files on Computers tables after they are no longer present. Clicking View Details for a removed file shows global details only.

A table of all files on one computer that are associated with one top-level file.

Click the Files on Computers tab and click the name of the highlighted top-level file instance for which you want a list of associated files.


Shows the results of a Find Files search for all files on the named computer in the rows for the files whose name you clicked on.

For details on any file in the table, click the View Details button next to it.