To disable or re-enable tracking of Microsoft-signed support file instances, perform the following procedure.


  1. On the console menu, click the Configuration (gear) icon and click System Configuration.
  2. Click the Advanced Options tab, and at the bottom of the page, click the Edit button.
  3. To disable tracking of Microsoft-signed support file instances, select the radio button for one of the following options in the Full OS Inventory Tracking section:
    • Discard information about locally approved support files signed by "Microsoft Windows" or "Microsoft Corporation" publishers at server – Details of these files are still sent to the server and included in the File Catalog, but the files are purged from the Files on Computers inventory. Events related to these files are fewer but not completely eliminated.

    • Discard information about locally approved support files signed by "Microsoft Windows" or "Microsoft Corporation" publishers at agent – Details of these files are not sent to the server. Instances of these files (including those discovered while full tracking was enabled) do not display in Files on Computers, and unless they were discovered before this option was configured or are part of a tracked event, they do not appear in the File Catalog. Events associated with these files are generally suppressed.

  4. At the bottom of the page, click the Update button and click Yes in the Confirmation dialog box. Support file tracking is disabled.
  5. To re-enable tracking of these files, click the Track inventory for locally approved support files ... radio button and click the Update button. Click Yes in the Confirmation dialog box.
    Note: The Confirmation dialog box for re-enabling Full OS Inventory Tracking includes a warning about possible effects on product performance. If you have been operating with this setting off for more than a brief time, consider whether your environment meets the requirements for significant additional file traffic.