In conjunction with your Carbon Black Support representative, you can use special Agent Management commands for Carbon Black App Control Agent management.

Because Carbon Black App Control Agent plays a critical role in managing and protecting your computers, you can and should limit access to these commands. In the Agent Management panel of the General tab, you can select one or both of the following methods for controlling agent command access:

For each client platform, you can specify a user or group to run the commands

To run the commands, you must require a password The password must be from 1 to 64 characters, be in the ASCII character set, and must not contain the following special characters: | > < & % ( ) @ . [ ] { } : ; ^ = ! ' " ` ~ ,

If you define both a user and group and a password, either access method is sufficient on its own. The current agent management configuration is built into the agent when agent installation packages are created. If you change the password, the Carbon Black App Control Server updates online agents with the new password, but agents that are not online must continue using the old password. Likewise, changes in the user or group access definition are not effective on an offline agent unless the old agent is uninstalled and a new one is then installed.


Configuring the Agent Management options before generating any agent installation packages is the most efficient way to set a global agent password or user/group access choice.

For new installations of Carbon Black App Control Server, you are prompted to provide an Agent Management access method during the installation process – this is the best time to choose an option.