You can change the text for the headings, links, and instructional text in the Approval Request panel.

  • If you add any customization tags for Approval Requests and/or Justifications, you must enable the feature(s) using the Approval Request menu on the Edit Notifier page.
  • PLATFORM NOTE: The Approval Request/Justification interface in the Notifier History window can be customized only for Windows agents.

The table below shows the tags that can be used to modify approval requests in notifiers. The example below, which is the Notifier Text for Block unapproved executables in the Template Policy, shows where you would put tags to have different labeling for each of them.

<BlockText:App Control blocked an attempt by <ProcessName> to run <TargetName> because the file is not approved. If you require access to this file, please contact your system administrator.><AskText:App Control identified and paused an attempt by <ProcessName> to run <TargetName> because the file is not approved. Choose Allow to let this file run, or choose Block to stop it from running at this time.<NotifierRequestLink:Submit Justification><NotifierRequestText:Enter your reason for access.><NotifierRequestHeading:Justification><NotifierRequestProcessed:Justification has been submitted.> Scroll down for diagnostic data. 
Table 1. Approval Request and Justification Customization tags




This text appears on the link that opens and closes the Approval Request panel in the notifier.


This text appears above the text box into which the user types the request.


This text appears inside the text box into which the user types the request. It disappears when the user begins entering the actual request.


After a request is submitted, this text appears in the text box to show that the request was processed. Note: This tag is for Justifications only. For notifiers that do not allow a choice of Allow or Block, entering an Approval Request dismisses the dialog, so this would never be seen.


If present, the Allow or Approve button in a notifier is disabled until the user submits a justification.


If present, the Block button in a prompt notifier is disabled until the user submits a justification.


If present, the Submit button in a notifier is disabled until the user enters at least n characters in the request/justification text box.